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Taylor Quotes

Taylor Quotes

"It’s a lot of work, and you have to be really dedicated. And when you want something it’s not that easy. You have to know what you want and keep going for it."

"It’s always nice to be able to come back somewhere that’s home. Even though New York and L.A. and all those different places are cool, I think Oklahoma is Family."

"Put it this way: We got the drums and the instruments and a week later we played live. But that doesn’t mean we were good when we played live, it just means we got out there and did it."

"I used to be able to say ‘great Dr. Pepper taste’ in a burp."

" Part of what Hanson is, is that there’s not just one guy who sings. Having three voices it what makes us Hanson."

"Zac’s been hit on the head a couple of times pretty hard." Taylor, explaining Zac’s silly behavior.

"If you get nervous, you don’t act like the natural you."

"We just really have to work at it. That’s important, but you also have to realize that the focus is living this music that being the point of why were doing it"

"We’re always hanging out, so we’re are basically best friends."

"None of us have girl friends right now. We just don’t have time"

"If somebody’s obsessed with you, it would be kind of hard to go with her. You’d take her hand and she’d scream! But if she was nice enough, then, yeah I’d date a fan."

"We are really lucky to have the parents we have." Taylor joking "Who else is going to carry all the instruments on the stage!?!"

"We turned our garage in our house into a studio" "We have a huge mural of things we’ve drawn. There are drawings that we have done all over the walls"

"I just knew I loved music and that is a part of me"

"It’s a lot of work, and you have to be really dedicate," Taylor explained when asked how Hanson exploded onto the music scene with such a blast. "When you want something, it’s not that easy. You have to know what you and keep going for it."

"How much better a job could you possibly have than to be in a band for you who life?"

"We were thrown out of a toy store recently. They had a display of really bouncy balls and we were allowed to try them out. We ended up bouncing them all over the shop and off the ceiling. All the store assistant kept telling us to calm down. In the end, we were asked to leave. What did they expect us to do? Not throw balls after the had asked us to?"

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