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The Names

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Want to learn a few words in Hebrew? Here you can see how the Soaps are called in Hebrew and how to pronounce their names in Hebrew. Have fun and…good luck. The section refers only to the current running Soaps (and a few more that were on the time this section was created).
Port Charles coming soon!

Note on usage: In the pronunciation section, the Hebrew words are broken down into syllables
with an " / ". Also it gives you an example on how to pronounce certain hard syllables.
Also, in the dictionary section, you should know that word order in Hebrew is just the opposite as it is in English. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it and have fun.

The Bold and the Beautiful | The Young and the Restless | Days of Our Lives | One Life to Live
Melrose Place | Beverly Hills, 90210 | Falcon Crest | Dallas | Dynasty | Relativity | Dawson's Creek

The Bold and the Beautiful

Loose Translation: The Bold and the Beautiful in Hebrew means just that, no other translation.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Ha/ ya/ fim Ve/ ha/ a/ mi/ tzim.
'Ha' as in hard. 'ya' as 'ya' in 'yard'. 'mi' as in meet. 'tz' as 'zz' in pizza.

Dictionary: 'Hayafim' is 'The Beautiful' and the 'Vehaamitzim' is 'and the Bold'.

In Hebrew Fonts: BB in Hebrew

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The Young and the Restless

Loose Translation: The Young and the Restless in Hebrew is not an ambiguous sentence as in English. It means Young that are also Restless. It's definite and does not have a double-meaning as in English, where it means that the young maybe also be restless, or that there are young and that there are restless.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Tze/ ee/ rim Chas/ rey Ma/ no/ ach.
'Tz' as 'zz' in pizza with an 'e'. 'ee' as 'yi' in yield. 'Ch' is not pronounceable in English. If you speak Spanish, 'Ch' is pronounced as the 'x' in Mexico should really be pronounced. 'rey' as the word 'ray'. 'Ma' as the word 'Ma' (short for Mom, like Fran calls her mom on "The Nanny"). 'no' as 'no' in 'north'. 'ach', again isn't pronounceable.

Dictionary: 'Tzeeerim' is 'Young'; 'Chasrey' is 'less', and 'Manoach' is 'Rest'.

In Hebrew Fonts: YR in Hebrew

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Days of Our Lives

Loose Translation: Days of Our Lives means the same in Hebrew. No other name- The Days of Our Lives it means. Same as in English.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: . Ye/ mey Cha/ yey/ nu.
'Ye' as in the word 'Yeah'. 'mey' as the word month of 'May'. 'Cha' is not pronounceable in English. If you speak Spanish, 'Ch' is pronounced as the 'x' in Mexico should really be pronounced. 'nu' as 'oo' in zoo, only with an 'n'.

Dictionary: 'Yemey' is 'Days of', and 'Chayeynu' is 'Our Lives'.

In Hebrew Fonts: Days in Hebrew

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One Life to Live

Loose Translation: One Life to Live here is called 'To Live Life'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Lich/ yot Et Ha/ cha/ iim
'Li' as in 'Lee'. 'ch' and 'cha' is not pronounceable in English. If you speak Spanish, 'Ch' is pronounced as the 'x' in Mexico should really be pronounced. 'yot' as the end of idiot. 'Et' as the word 'At'. 'iim' as 'yi' in yield plus the 'm'.

Dictionary: 'Lichyot' is 'To Live', and 'Et Hachaiim' is 'Life'.

In Hebrew Fonts: OLtL in Hebrew

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Melrose Place

Loose Translation: Melrose Place is called here just that, the name of the place, 'Melrose Place'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Mel/ rose Pla/ ce.
Same as in English (only with an Israeli accent for some of us…).

In Hebrew Fonts: MP in Hebrew

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Beverly Hills, 90210

Loose Translation: Beverly Hills, 90210 here is called just that, the name of the place with the Hebrew pronunciation of the numbers, 'Beverly Hills, 90210'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Be/ ver/ lly Hi/ lls Tish/ iim Ma/ ta/ iim Ve/ e/ ser.
Beverly Hills pronounced the same as in English. 'Tish' as 'fish' only with a 't'. 'iim' as 'yi' in yield with an 'm' stuck at the end. 'Ma' like short for 'Mom', 'Ma'. 'ta' as 'to' in 'tower.

Dictionary: 'Tishiim' is '90', 'Mataim' is '200', and 'Veeser' is 'and 10', together makes 90210.

In Hebrew Fonts: 90210 in Hebrew

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Falcon Crest

Loose Translation: Falcon Crest in Hebrew means just that, the name of the place, 'Falcon Crest'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Fal/ con Cre/ st.
Same as in English.

In Hebrew Fonts: FC in Hebrew

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Loose Translation: Dallas in Hebrew means just that, the name of the city, 'Dallas'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Da/ llas.
Same as in English. Here, due to Hebrew accent, the 'Da' and the 'lla' do not sound as though their written with an 'e', but 'Da' like 'du' in 'duck', and 'lla' as in 'la, la, la, la, la' like singing.

In Hebrew Fonts: Dallas in Hebrew

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Loose Translation: Dynasty here is called just that. The loose translation of the word 'dynasty'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Sho/ she/ let.
'Sho' as 'sho' in 'shock'. 'she' as the 'a' is pronounced in hat, only with a 'sh' ('sh' pronounced as in shot). 'let' as the word 'let'.

In Hebrew Fonts: Dynasty in Hebrew

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Loose Translation: Relativity here airs under the name of 'Love and Other Relations'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: A/ ha/ va Ve/ ya/ cha/ sim A/ che/ rim.
'ha' and 'va' as 'a' is pronounced in the word 'arm', only with an 'h' and a 'v'. 'ya' as 'ya' in 'yard'. 'cha' is not pronounceable in English. If you speak Spanish, 'Ch' is pronounced as the 'x' in Mexico should really be pronounced. 'sim' as the word 'seem'.

In Hebrew Fonts: Relativity in Hebrew

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Dawson's Creek

Loose Translation: Dawson's Creek is called 'Dawson Creek' here, same only without the apostrophe and the 's'.

How to Pronounce that in Hebrew: Do/ son Creek
Same as in English, only without the " 's ".

In Hebrew Fonts: Dawson's Creek in Hebrew

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If you still have a question, or something is misunderstood, you are more than welcome to Email me.

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