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Who Was Who Pic.

If you're having trouble remembering who the characters were and who they were, you can check that out here. The picture above helps recalling and below there's a list of the characters and who they were.

Christina | Laura | Robert | Kate | Beth | Cory | Nick | Joanna | Rachel | Michael |

Jessica | Matt | Frank & Amy

Christina Hobson

Played by: Joan Collins

Christina was Laura's British mother. She arrived in episode number 4, full of schemes. Cristina was used to a richer life-style and would have done anything, even conspire against her daughter, to remain rich. Christina was a part of many schemes on PP, and always kept a funny, humorous demeanor. She even broke up her daughter and long time love to get money, as the man's wife paid her to do so.

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Laura Sinclair

Played by: Kimberly Davies

The resourceful Laura first had her eye set on Nick, but later devoted her time to keep her mother out of hurting her and obtaining control of the real-estate agency she was working for. She obtained that agency with the help of her mother, in a scheme they orchestrated together. When her long time lover, John Graham arrived in town, Laura immersed herself in trying to get back at him, but her mother, again, had to do something about that.

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Robert Russo

Played by: Greg Evigan

Robert headed "Russo + Associates" Architecture Company. With financing from his wife's father, Robert managed to purchase the agency and his company is responsible for major project around the palisades, such as "Pacific Mall." Robert had an affair with one of his employees, Jessica. When his wife Kate found out, she wasn't very happy about that and from there, Robert's marriage went down the tubes. Robert managed to overcome powerful and smart enemies, who were aiming on his company, and so he managed to keep it his.

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Kate Russo

Played by: Finola Hughes

Kate wass Robert Russo's wife. She owned half of his architecture company. Kate and Robert had a fine marriage until Kate found out about Robert's affair with Jessica. After she decided to forgive him, set up by Matt, she thought Robert and Jessica were still continuing their affair and had a horrific accident that cost her the baby she was carrying. Blaming Robert for the miscarriage, Kate decided to gain control of his company and hurt him where it'd hurt the most.

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Beth Hooper

Played by: Brittney Powell

Beth lived above Laura's house, in a one bedroom apartment. She was dating Cory. Beth worked as a receptionist at "Russo + Associates." She and Cory had it going on, until she found out about Cory's scheme to save his own butt due to a gambling debt he had, and left him. She was fine alone, until her first husband arrived in town and she was swept away by him, but the guy had a different agenda, one that had something to do with Cory's debt.

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Dr. Cory Robbins

Played by: Joel Wyner and Dylan Neal

Dr. Cory Robbins was a plastic surgeon, with a passion for cards. He lived next to Laura. When owed money to a very dangerous man, the man wanted him to kill his wife to end the debt, but Cory managed to wizzle his way out of it, but it did cost him his love, Beth. When the man returned to haunt his life, Cory managed to overcome him and the man was taken to prison. At that time, Cory also regained Beth's love.

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Nick Hadley

Played by: Jarrod Emick

Nick and his immediate family moved to the Palisades. Nick was the head architect at "Russo + Associates". He had a nice family life and a good marriage, but all hell broke loose when his wife uncovered that her sister was actually her daughter. Nick also knew that there was something-fishy going on about the "Pacific Mall" collapse and that it had something to do with the contractor, Matt. He investigated the matter. Nick also had to overcome another turbulence when his step-daughter fell in love with him.

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Joanna Hadley

Played by: Michelle Stafford

Joanna moved into the neighborhood to the house next to Kate and Robert'. She came to town with her husband and kid sister. Moving to LA took its tall on her and her family. Especially when Joanna uncovered that her kid sister was actually her child. She befriended Kate and the two became good friends. A strain was put on her marriage when her daughter fell in love with her husband, Nick and it was a test of trust for her and Nick, when Rachel pretended to be romantically involved with Nick.

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Rachel Whittaker

Played by: Natalia Cigliuti

Rachel moved to town with her older sister and her husband, because she wasn't getting along with her mother. She befriended a boy named Michael and her first night at LA, she was a victim to the collapse at "Pacific Mall". When she found out she was really her sister's child, she was very angry with her mother and her family and acted cold and bitchy toward Joanna. When Nick saved her from the hands of a pedophile, pretending to be her father, whom she sought out, Rachel fell in love with him and acted as though she was having an affair with him, to get back at Joanna.

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Played by: Trevor Edmond

When seeing Rachel, Michael became friends with her and at first only wanted to get into her pants. Joanna disapproved of Rachel's involvement with Michael, but Rachel didn't care and kept seeing Michael. Michael eventually came around and was interested in more than just sex with Rachel. He even helped Joanna and Nick to find and save Rachel from the man pretending to be her father.

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Jessica Mitchell

Played by: Jocelyn Seagrave

Jessica was an architect at "Russo + Associates". She had an affair with the boss, Robert, but liking his wife, Kate, so much, she ended it. She then became involved with a scheming contractor, called Matt, but still loved Robert. She was best friends with Beth, the receptionist. Jessica separated herself from Matt's clutches and at the end, reunited Robert, when he decided to divorce his wife and asked her to marry him.

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Matt Dunning

Played by: Lucky Vanous

Hunky Matt was a successful contractor. He was associated with "Russo + Assoicates". He was responsible for the collapse of "Pacific Mall," which he contracted for. He managed to stay in the clear about that one, although heavy suspicions from Robert and Nick, until the end, where he was taken down by them and exposed for the fraud he was. Matt is a scheming ambitious person, who didn't care who he stepped on to get his own.

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Frank and Amy Nicholls

Played by: Gianni Russo and Mimi Kennedy

Frank is the man who Cory owned money. Frank wanted Cory to kill his wife, Amy during an operation and thus, settle the debt. Cory drugged Frank with a "Truth Drug" and got him to confess all sorts of things on camera and that way blackmailed him out of doing what he wanted him to do. Frank wasn't discouraged, though, and tried to get back at Cory through his ex-girlfriend, Beth, but Frank was overcome by Cory once again and putted in jail.

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