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SuBe aired Sundays through Thursdays, between 14:00 to 14:50 (pm - Israel clock), on "Channel 3" - cable access. The previous days's show was re-run the following day at 08:00 (am).

SuBe started airing May of 1997. At first, SuBe's time-slot was 20:00 (pm), competing with the 8 o'clock news, so, almost naturally SuBe 'lost'. It was then moved to 19:45 (pm), but that didn't do the trick, either. So, the cable companies took it off the air for a while, allowing "Dallas" to finish its airing and when it did, SuBe took over its time slot, of 14:00 (pm).

SuBe was canceled in Israel on the week of April 12th, 1998. Last episode, episode no. 260, aired Sunday, April 12th, 1998. That episode aired January 22nd, 1998 in the US.
Byebye, SuBe

Israel cable companies bought only a year's worth of SuBe episodes and aired them all. Since SuBe suffered from low ratings, they decided not to purchase anymore episodes and SuBe's airing in Israel was terminated.

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