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Soaps' Progression List About this Section

DayTime List

PrimeTime List

About this Section

Concerning DayTimes, the lists shows in what year that the show was aired in the US, the show is in Israel now. The Soap that is closest to the US episodes, is the most 'progressed' Soap.

Concerning PrimeTimes, the lists shows when it was aired in Israel. So it shows which Soap is the oldest and which is the newest, here.

DayTime Progression List

The current episodes we're watching aren't the same episodes that are airing now in the US. The 'older' DayTimes fall a few years behind and the 'newer' ones fall only a few months behind.

DayTime Soaps Progression List
Soap Point it's at
Sunset Beach January of 1998 (canceled)
Port Charles September of 1997
One Life to Live September of 1997
The Bold and the Beautiful August of 1997
Days of Our Lives April of 1995
The Young and the Restless August of 1994

Y&R is the most un-progressed Soap, but it's the most "veteran" DayTime both of "Channel 3"'s and Israel's.

Sunset Beach, although it's been cancelled, is the most progressed Soap, since it's closest to the US episodes.

Y&R, B&B, and OLtL are the "veterans". They have been airing the longest. Y&R is the oldest, then B&B and then OLtL.

Port Charles, although it's on hold, is the newest Soap in Israel.

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PrimeTime Progression List

Unlike the DayTime list, the PrimeTime list doesn't show the Soap's progression, but it shows when the Soap was aired here.

PrimeTime Soaps Progression List
Soap When it was aired
Dallas Firstly by "Israeli Channel 1" - early 80's.
Secondly by "Channel 3" - 1996-1997
Dynasty Firstly by "Israeli Channel 1" - mid 80's.
Secondly by "Channel 2" - 1997-1998
Beverly Hills, 90210 1990-????
Melrose Place 1992-????
Falcon Crest First airing on "Channel 3" - 1994-1995
Pacific Palisades March - June, 1998
Relativity June - October, 1998
Dawson's Creek September, 1998 - ????

The list doesn't include all PrimeTime Soaps.

Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest were/are re-run, but still the list refers to the first time it was aired. That's why Dallas is the "oldest" Soap and Dawson's Creek is the "newest".

"Channel 3"'s "oldest" Soap is Knots Landing. It's the first PrimeTime to air there.

"Channel 2"'s "oldest" Soap is CPw. It's the first PrimeTime to air there.

"Israeli Channel 1"'s "oldest" Soap is of course, Dallas. It's the first PrimeTime to air there.

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