Meet the Planeteers
Kwame is the convservationist of the group. From Africa, he has seen forests turn into deserts and wildlife disppear. Kwame's intefrity brings quiet
leadership into the Planeteers. His Power is Earth.
Wheeler is an impulsive, street-wis teenager from North America. He's always ready with a glib remark
to provide comic relief, through sometimes at inopportune moments. His power is Fire.
Linka is the thinker of the group. She is from the former-Soviet Union. She is analytical, with a strong background in
computers and music. Her power is wind.
Gi is a skilled diver and surfer with the power of water. Gi is from Asia and is trained in marine Biology.
Shes has a strong affinity for all sea creatures, though she is especially fond of dolphins.
Ma-Ti, the youngest of the group, was raised by a Kayapo Indian shaman. ma-Ti has the hidden knowledge of the rain forest, including the unique healing powers of the great forest's plants.
his power, Heart, allows him to communicate telepathically with the Planeteers and sense the fellings of all beings.
Once the power is combine, they form Captain Planet.
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