Chapel Links
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Our Savior Lutheran Church
This poem is dedicated to... Our Savior Lutheran Church
2223 Sheridan Rd.
Pekin,Il 61554
The church Utop the Hill
It's a small climb to reach the church atop the hill.
The hill is only a blink compared to a mountain.
The pastor wears glasses, and the people in numbers are few.
They follow the strength of a heritage centuries old.
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Where the people teach, sing and read the Lord's will.
And the culture is far from B.C.
These comparisons are not what matter to me.
But nonetheless the strength and loving grace of our Savior is present.
And warmth and under- standing smiles are pleasent.
Martin Luther would be proud with a smile.
So step in the door, sit down, and stay awhile.
Women in God's Armor,
We laugh, we cry,eat, read and debate.
We talk, we wonder, and compare but never judge.
Our topics are simple or complex, but never few!
We help each other out in the Lord's Way
Women in God's Armor, There's so much
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Dedicated to Naomi Smith,Gals for God Leader
sitting 'round the kitchen table.
By the Lord's Word we live our live's,
and doing the best that we are able.
What is Christ's path in our lives fate?
We share in our circle, and never carry a grudge.
And we always come up with something
creative to do!
the best we can.
Easing life's labours and worries has become part
of our plan.
more to say.
Sister's in God's Armor, I hope it
stays that way.