The Cynical Local H Page
Hey. Welcome to the Cynical Local H Page. Is it completely devoted to
Local H. It will occasionally have topics related to Tripl3fstaction. Local
H is: Scott Lucas, who play guitar and sings. His guitar has a guitar and
a bass pick-up to make the band sound like they have a bass. Joe Daniels
plays drums. During show Gabe Rodriguez comes out to sing back up vocals,
play tamborine, or even kazoo.
Tripl3fastaction is: Wes Kidd-Vocals/Guitar
Kevin Tihista-Bass
Ronnie Scheinder-Guitar*
Brian St. Clair-Drums
*No longer in the band. Scott Lucas is filling in for him on the Winter Dance
tour. Please email me with any criticisms, coments or anything else.
For some cool FREE LOCAL H STUFF email Jill at JTIsland@aol.com. Just give her your snail mail address and she'll send some stuff your way.
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Email: atfonerd@hotmail.com
Email: atfonerd@hotmail.com