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Stories & Travels

Goldie has seen a lot happen in 5 yrs. time. Here you will meet the family, places we have gone in the car, and stories about the car.
First of all, I had dreamed of having a brand new car by the time I turned 30 yrs. old. We bought our Saturn 2 months prior to my 30th. Birthday.
Now with our oldest daughter of 3 children having turned 9 yrs. old and our youngest was 3 yrs. old,(our second daughter was 6yrs. old) we decided to do the fun and inexpensive thing of camping for our vacations.
So we went to Lake Shelbyville.

Then the next summer we chose to go to Shawnee Nation Forest down in Southern Illinois. Thank goodness for all the trees because it was August with a heat index of 110F. Then it decided to storm after months of that part of the state not having rain. Remember I mentioned 3 paint jobs? The first one was due to tree limbs falling on Goldie. I called our local Saturn dealer and they told me that Benishek & Duffy Auto would be able to match the Saturn paint. They repainted the roof and hood sections. They did a great job!
The following year we decided the kids were old enough for some excitement so we traveled 15 hrs. to Seaworld of Ohio. We saw huge whales that loved to splash the crowd along with their dolphin friends.
Now for the other 2 paint job stories. In the house behind us, 4 houses down behind us, lives a young man(14 yrs. old at the time) who got bored one summer, and decided to use his wrist rocket to shoot at birds up in a tree. He didn't realize that the tree was right in line with our back yard. So when the rocks went through the tree, the rocks landed in our yard and in the driveway ontop of Goldie my Saturn SL. We cleaned up a coffee cans worth of rocks....well the story goes on and on. Naturally we called the same as mentioned above and repainted again. This time the roof, hood, and trunk got repainted.
The last paint job story is a mystery. We're not sure what happened. Either kids from the schools that I work at sat on the car, or our son put piles of wood on the hood and trunk. So with hope that this is the last time, we once again called Benishek & Duffy Auto.

I hope you have enjoyed these stories and sites. Maybe my next story will be that my daughter adoptedGoldie as her own and I'll get a new Saturn SC1!!

You can see more about my family atKelly's Kastle
Come take a ride on my Saturn Experience Webring

Unusual Packings
