Chafter 10 to
In the Holy Qur'an angels are spoken of as "messengers
(rusul) flying on wings (ajniha pl. of janah)" (Q 35:1). Their description as
rusul (pl.of rasul, meaning a messenger) has reference to their spiritual
function of bearing Divine messages. Sacred history, indeed, represent angels
as possesing wings, but so far as the Holy Qur'an is concerned, it would be a
grievous mistake to confuse the 'janah' (wing) of an angel with the fore limb
of a bird which fits it for flight. Tha wing is a symbol of the 'power' which
enable those immaterial being to execute their functions with all speed; The
word has further been used metaphorically in the Holy Qur'an in several places
as in Q 15:88; and Q 26:215, where "the lowering of the janah" stand for being
Chafter 19 -
27: Alam Maya dan Alam Supranatural Untuk Bab 19 sampai 27 memang tersusun secara kombinasi, dan kami tuliskan
dalam Bahasa Indonesia agar lebih mudah dimengerti, ini merupakan terjemahan
secara harfiyah dari bahasa Aslinya (Hindi dan Sansekerta), silahkan disimak
dengan penuh perhatian semoga Anda mendapatkan makna dan suatu kesimpulan dari
apa yang Anda telaah, sehingga Anda akan mempunyai suatu pandangan awal akan
hakekat dari Nalapralaya.
The Chafter 10 to 18 are in one group
explanation, these are rather difficult to learn, so for taking understanding
of these combined chafters you need more time and ability to concentrate to
the related matter. These chafter get the story about the angels and its
secret of life, can you take any benefit of these? that is all depend on
yourself interest.
and for those who
do not interest to this chafter may go to chafter 28 - 36).