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Fiction from the Fans

This is a section for you The Fans to submit your fictional stories about your favoite guy group 'N Sync. Please e-mail with your stories and I will post them on this site.

On the Road with *N Sync
Written by: Today is the big day. Today is the day that I start my job as *N Sync's official on the road choreographer and dance trainer. Who's *N Sync you ask? Where have you been? They are only the newest, hottest music sensation. *N Sync consists of five guys who can sing and dance and are very talented. They've been looking for a new choreographer and I got the job! Well here goes nothing! I walked into the warehouse the guys have in downtown Orlando, Florida. They were in there having a water bottle fight. It's hard to believe these guys are practically grown adults, because they act like overgrown 2 year olds! Anyway, Justin (the youngest and most idolized) walked over all sopping wet and said, "Hey Emily! How about a hug?". He didn't wait for an answer and hugged me anyway which left me just as wet as he was. Then I received four more soggy hugs from J.C. ( the serious one and probably the most accomplished dancer), Chris (the crazy guy with the braids and wide vocal range), Lance ( the shy low guy), and Joey (the sweet flirtatious one). They all welcomed me into the *N Sync family. The guys' moms and dads were there and Justin, J.C., Chris, Lance, and Joey introduced me to each one of them. They were all very gracious that I was there, and everyone couldn't wait to see what I had to offer. "Okay guys! Let's get started!" I yelled enthusiastically. They had a stage set up on one side of the warehouse. We walked over and I asked if they could show me some moves they had so I could see what kind of dancing range they had. J.C. did his breakdancing moves which really impressed me. Joey showed me some Michael Jackson interpretations (complete with the "Ow!" which cracked everyone up). Justin showed off with some funky hip-hop moves and also some breakdancing. Chris did some kind of dancing I had never seen before which he called "my tribal dance". Then he was serious and performed some slinky and sly moves. Lance tried to be funny and did some ballet (he's not very good), and then just went in to a mix of moves from all of their old routines. "Well guys, you are all very good! Now how many songs do you want new routines for?" "All of them," they said in unison. "We really didn't like what the other people had choreographed for us," said J.C. "Yeah Emily. We've seen what you can do, and we think your dances are what we really need," added Lance. "Well, how many is all of them?" I asked. "About, uh, 13 or so," answered Chris timidly. "And probably more for additional numbers in the show," Joey continued. "How many months do we have?" I didn't think I would have time for all of those songs. "We don't even have months! We have about 2 and 1/2 weeks before we start the tour," replied Lance (he really does always know the guys schedule!). "We know it's going to be hard Emily, but we are ready for anything," said Justin. "Alright then! Let's get to it!" This was going to be fun! We worked all day long. I had arrived at the warehouse at about 9:00 am and it was already 9:00 pm! But the guys kept working and working and so did I. We already had down "You got it", "I need Love", " Here We Go" and we were now working on "Tearin' Up My Heart". These guys were really determined. We kept working and finished Tearin' Up My Heart" around 10:30. I was pooped. Everyone agreed we had worked enough and we all got ready to go home. Then something hit me. I didn't have anywhere to stay in Orlando! It had been short notice to come here and I didn't even have hotel reservations! Lance calmed me down and said that I could stay at his and his parents house. "We have a guest room there, and we'd be glad to help you out. I mean, you've helped us out a lot so far! Plus it's easier, we can just carpool to practice." Lance gave me a look like "So are you going to come or not". "Well, I don't want to intrude, but, I have no where else. Okay, thanks a lot!" I went to give him a thank you hug, but he backed away. "I smell gross, with all this working out. I don't want you to pass out from the stench!" Lance said with a smile. I laughed. Everyone said goodbye and we decided we would be back at the warehouse at 10:00 am the next day. Justin hopped into his Mercedes Benz, while J.C., Lance, and I got into J.C.'s Jeep (Lance still didn't have a car). Chris got into his spankin' new Mustang, while Joey tiredly opened the door to his Acura. We all honked the car horns bye and left. J.C. dropped us off at the Bass house and Lance and I said bye to J.C. and told him not to sleep in. I guess J.C. really like to sleep. We went inside and Lance explained to his parents that I would be staying with them. They didn't have a problem with it, and Lance showed me to my room. I unpacked, got ready for bed, and went to sleep. I was awaken by a voice. A singing voice. It was Lance singing in the shower. Boy was that low! I rolled out of bed all groggy and picked out the outfit I would wear that day. I tidied up the room, and when Lance was out of the shower, I went and took my own shower and I also took a while to primp. I had been in the bathroom a while, when I heard Lance pound on the door and say "Emily hurry up! You are almost as bad as my sister!" "Sorry! I'll hurry!" I replied "Just kidding, take your time. My mom made pancakes, so when you are ready just come down and help yourself. Okay?" "Sure, thanks!" I got downstairs and had some breakfast, and then Justin came by and picked us up to go to the ware house. We worked on more dances, and got about 3 more done by about 5:00 pm. We decided to call it a day. Then Joey suggested that we go see a movie. We all agreed to meet at the theatre in an hour. We all went home and got ready. Lance and I were picked up by Joey and he had his girlfriend with him. " Emily, this is Vicky, Vicky, this is Emily." We exchanged nice to meet you's and we went on to the movies. J.C. was there with his girlfriend, and Chris had his sister with him. I noticed that all of the guys got out sun glasses and hats. I guess they didn't want to be noticed. We all decided to see the new Star Wars movie. The guys are all big fans, and they had already seen it like 5 times, but they wanted me to see it too. The movie was great. It was really funny watching the guys, because they knew like every single word, and knew when something was going to happen. We had a good time. Afterwards we went to Joey's house, because his mom had felt like cooking and had made enough food for like 30 people. Everyone's parents were there, and it was really cool getting to know everyone. Joey's mom is such a great cook! She makes the best spaghetti in this world! The 2 weeks went by, and I really got to know each one of the guys really well. I had learned so much about them, and we all became great friends. We had worked out each and every song, and the guys were ready to go. We had about 3 days, and we were off to L.A. to start the tour. This was going to be a world tour! That meant I would visit such places like Germany, Spain, Italy, France, China, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, and the list went on and on. The guys had made me part of the family. I even had my own bunk on the bus! I had all of my plane tickets, and my bags were packed! I was more excited than they were! We flew off to L.A. and the show was put on. The audience loved it, and afterwards I had many people come up to me and told me how great the dancing was. The tour went on and on. We practiced in hotel rooms late at night, or wherever we had enough space to move our legs! The guys were always hyper and awake, and I had no idea how they could do that! We had traveled half way around the world, and the jetlag didn't even bother them. They put on more shows and more shows. These guys were so talented and loved by so many people. It was a great feeling knowing that I was a part of the "family". It was the last day of the tour. It was going to end in Orlando, the guys hometown. It only felt appropriate to end their tour in the place where they got put together. The audience was wild, everyone was having so much fun! I got tears in my eyes while watching J.C., Justin, Lance, Joey, and Chris perform. We had worked so hard. I had learned to love these guys like brothers. I was so proud of them! They finished "I Want You Back" and the crowd was still going wild. A group of girls by me started chanting "Justin, Justin, We love Justin!" The guys came to the front of the stage and motioned all of the screaming girls to be quiet. "Kay, now this is where it gets serious," said J.C.. "Recently we have had a very lucky girl on tour with us," added Justin. "Now, this girl is not one of our girlfriends, but one of our best friends," added Chris. "She has helped us to become better dancers, better entertainers, and better people," added Joey. "And we love her like a sister. Emily, please come up here! Where are you girl?" asked Lance. A spotlight hit me, and the body guards came and carried me to the stage. Lance picked me up and carried me to a stool in the center of the stage. Justin came out and handed out a dozen roses to each of the guys, who then gave them to me. "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You" started playing and I was being serenaded by my five best friends. The song ended and they all said thank you to me. I was crying, and so were they. You see, I wouldn't be their choreographer anymore. I had torn the cartilage in both of my knees while practicing a knee slide. The doctors said I shouldn't dance for a long time. I would have to go back home to Arizona to have physical therapy for 3 months. Then I would have to get slowly back into dance. The guys were all sad I would be leaving, but they were still going to go on, and still keep my dance moves that I made for them. I was so sad that I was leaving my new brothers, but we made a pact to stay in touch forever. The concert ended and we all went home I went back with Lance, whom I was still staying with. The next day I was awoken by the guys all in my face yelling "WAKE UP EMILY!!!!" I pushed the guys aside laughing and J.C. picked me up and carried me downstairs. To my surprise the Bass, Fatone, Eustice (Chris fam), Chasez, Harless, and Timberlake family were all downstairs along with the whole *N Sync technical crew. On the wall was a banner that said "Get well soon! We love you and we will miss you!" We all hugged, gave kisses, cried, and laughed over another delicious meal by Mrs. Fatone. I was carried back upstairs by Justin, and I got ready to leave. The guys drove me to the airport, and wheeled my wheelchair to the plane. We said more good-byes, and then I was presented with a beeper. All of the guys had gotten one too. "These are for when you want to talk to us," said Lance. "Whenever you are feeling lonely, just buzz us baby!" added Justin. "I'm going to miss you guys so much," I said threw tears and a choked up throat. "Don't cry again sweetie," said Joey. "We'll miss you too, but we will always stay in touch," said Chris. The flight attendant took me onto the plane, and I waved back to the guys. The plane took off, and I started my flight home. It's been about six years now. I am back in dancing, and my knees are fine. I am married and have a beautiful little girl. *N Sync even attended my wedding and the baptism of my little girl. *N Sync isn't that popular anymore, but they are still making records and writing music. We still keep in touch and always will. We will always be family, and best friends!

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