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Genuine Justin

Justin Randall Timberlake

Justin's Q and A Session

Q: What advice would you give someone starting a music career?
A: Practice

Q: What makes you blush?
A: Compliments

Q: What are your professional goals?
A: Success with 'N sync

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: One dog and one cat

Q: If you could change something about yourself what would it be?
A: My patience and procrastination

Q: Would you pierce your nose?
A: No, it's dated

Q: If you can have one wish what would it be?
A: A healthy life

Q: I can't get enough...
A: Music

Q: What do you collect?
A: Sneakers

Q: Most daring thing ever done?
A: Bungee jumpped

Q: Secreat to your success?
A: Dedication and practice

Q: What will you be doing in ten years?
A: Hopefully still be in music

Q: Favorite piece of clothing?
A: Anything baby blue(North Carolina)

Q: Would you choose love, money, or fame?
A: Love!

Q: How do you know if a song is going to be a hit?
A: If the hook sticks in my head

Q: What do you miss most by being on the road?
A: Free time

Q: What do you do if you get a sour throat and have to preform?
A: Drink lots of tea! The show must go on.

Q: Are you supertitious?
A: a little bit

Q: What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
A: With family and friends

Q: What is a common misconception about you?
A: People think that since I am to myself a lot, that I'm stuck up!

Q: Greatest fear?
A: To die unloved

Q: What is a disgusting habit of yours?
A: Burping

Q: Your biggest mistake?
A: Lying to my mom

Q: Favorite holiday?
A: Christmas

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