I'm one of who believe not in miracles
or in wonders in time of remissness
Yet after being coeval with
The Children of the Rocks Revolution...
In everything I turned to believe
They say...
Verily in tear drops the Temple's walls fall
And perplexed the multitude is
As it looks high with awe
Dark and grief the world has become
In adoration people fall down on candles light
Speechless the night has become in Bethlehem's nighttime.
The Redeemer's Icon weeps
Whenever the evening falls
And motionless the multitude becomes
before the weeping miracle
Whomever made the Teacher weep...
Who caused the sky's sorrow
Except Judas' people who
Rottenness and hypocrisy in the Land they sow
Judas' people who
altered our days all to sorrow
Till kinsfolk's feasts become
Just as Martyr's Day
Till all the days of town become
Just as Karbala's Day.
When the Teacher weeps...
People who murdered the Teacher we remember
Pains of the Cross we remember
Their nails we remember
Their mockery we remember
Ridiculing Him we remember...
Just as they ridiculed the Prophet.
Judas' grandchildren they themselves
Returned over again
Murder and terror to practice
In the Land of Purity
What we say when Christmas already arrived
And the Cave by Judas' people besieged
And Jesus' and the Prophet's children confront
With Heroism and Courage their attacks
My Teacher Thy Tears wipe off and query not
Verily I see your grandchildren the quarter they guard
Verily I see them with the Prophet's apostles swear by
To shed their blood and repel the attacks
By our Land and Nation I swear by
That if Jesus and the Prophet in our age were
Verily I see them among people in Al Qods
Throwing Rocks.