1- People believed that putting a striped object in front of an ewe while she was breeding caused her to give birth to striped lambs.
2- To ancient desert peoples, the pomegrante was a powerful symbol of eternal life.
3- According to ancient legends, the people of Arabia are descendants of Ishmael's family.
4- The Ottoman Empire ( The Islamic Empire, if you wish) were more advanced in medecine a far ahead from the Westren Europeans civilizations!!
5- Washing and changing clothes were a means of purification in the Bible. People in the Middle East still wash their laundry in local streams as was customary in the biblical times!
6- The first bird Noah (PBUH) released from the ark was a raven. Ravens are noted for their highly developed sense of direction, and ancient mariners used them to help locate dry land.
7- In Syria, some caves are so long that as many as 4,000 men can hide in them.
8- Because darkness existed before sunlight, the Hebrew day begins at sundown.
9- Over his 20-year major-league career, 1915 to 1935, Babe Ruth had a home run for every 11.78 times that he came to bat.
10- The name Babylon is from a Sumerian word for 'god's gate.'
11- More than 51,000 men in the two armies at Gettysburg were killed, wounded, or captured. it was the largest battle ever fought in America.
12- George Washington was the only President to be elected without opposition. In 1789, and again in 1793, he was the unanimous choice of the presidential electors.
13- Ingerdients for the finest perfumes came from Arabia, Sheba and other countries in North Africa, and as far east as India.
14- The name Martha is from an Aramaic word meaning "mistress" or "lady of the house".
15- The Hebrew word for high priest is Kohen, and everyone with the last name of Cohen, or any variation of that name, is considered to be a descendant of Aaron.
16- The citron was the first citrus fruit known in Europe. Alexander the Great's soldiers brought citrons back to Greece around 300 B.C.
17- During their years of wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites longed for the foods they had eaten in Egypt, including cucumbers, garlic, onions, and leeks.
18- Because the Nile flows south to north, the southern part of the Kingdom was called Upper Egypt and the northern part, Lower Egypt.
19- According to the Jewish historian Josephus, the queen's home wasn't Sheba at all but Ethiopia in Africa. If so, she would have sailed down the Nile, and from there made her way to Solomon's court.
20- At today's Passover meal, called the seder, the bitter herbs are dipped in saltwater to symbolize the tears shed during the Hebrews' slavery.
21- According to Islamic and Jewish tradition, Ishmael is the legendary ancestor of the Arabs.
22- In the Old Testament the same Hebrew word, (chalav), is used for milk, cheese, butter, and sour milk.
23- A crown of thorns that some Christians believe was worn by Jesus is housed in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
24- All Egyptian workers, not just slaves, were the "king's servants." As such, the pharaoh could force them to work without pay if he needed them to help build his temples and palaces.
25- In the 4th century A.D., a Spanish nun made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and reported that she had visited the building where Pentecost took place. The location of this building has yet to be found.
26- The person whose name appears most frequently in the Bible is David; he is mentioned 1,118 times. And the longest word in the Bible is Maher-Shalal-hash-baz, the name of the son of Isaiah
27- Among the highlights of the Mount Nebo restoration are beautiful mosaics created by artists from the nearby town of Madaba (In Jordan). Some of these mosaics are more than 1,500 years old.
28- Another legend states that tree used to make Jesus Christ's Cross grew from a part of the Tree of Knowledge that had been planted on Adam's grave.
29- The name Salem may be a part of the ancient name of Jerusalem, Uru-salim, which stems from Shalem, the name of a god of the Canaanites.
30- The prosperity of Mecca gave added prominence and power to the Quraysh, the major tribe and part of the aristocracy inhabiting the city. The Quraysh consisted of several clans and families, one of which was the family of Banu Hashim, from whom Jordan's Hashemite dynasty claims descent. It was into this family that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was born.
31- According to some unsubstantiated accounts, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was influenced by Christian heretics and hermits he met during his caravan trips to Syria.
32-Perhaps because storks take good care of their young, the Hebrew word for stork also means "devoted"