Let Us Pray For the Saftey of the Iraqi People.
It is a Black New Year in Iraq!
Stop Killing the innocent people of Iraq.
is a list of important Phone numbers that you can use and call to stop
the massacre in Iraq
Secretary General Kofi Annan | 212.963.5012 |
President Clinton | 202.456.2580 |
White House Comment Line | 202.456.1111 |
Secretary of State Albright | 202.647.4000
202.647.5291 |
Secretary of Defense Cohen | 703.695.5261 |
US Ambassador to the UN | 212.415.4404
212.415.4062 |
Britain's Ambassador to the UN | 212.745.9334 |
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations | 202.224.4651 |
House Committee on Foreign Affairs | 202.225.5201 |
Congressional Switchboard | 202.224.3121
202.225.3121 212.456.7777 |