ep·i·taph (p-tf) n. Derivative from Middle English, from Old French epitaphe, from Latin epitaphium, from Greek epitaphion, from neuter of epitaphios, funerary : epi-, epi- + taphos, tomb. A sepulchral an inscription on a tombstone or monument commemorating the deceased buried there. - Excerpt from Oxford Dictionary.

I think it's safe to say that we've all pretty much done the "What if I died?" "What's it like to die?" "What the hell is there to live for?" type of suicidal thinking, whether it was serious or out of pure curiousity, who doesn't think these thoughts? Yes? No? Not really? If it's the last answer is yours, you will. Take notice that as life goes on, it get's shittier. But that's not to say that there are positive events that will actually overshadow the reality of the negative shit, its just that it makes it all the more brighter. Really. So feel free to think about death as often as you damn well please. If we can't sincerely become united even in the wake of tragedy, at least in death recognize or consider that we will all be united in some weird metaphysical plane. However, if your beliefs (stick to them please!) tell you otherwise and that in death you die alone, cold, stale, and wither to nothing, fine. I won't deny anothers' "outlook", since it's not that much different than my own, however I agree that we die "alone" but something does happen to us. How can it not? Sure our bodies decay and become dust (eventually), memories are forgotten and lost, but I think there's some truth to the idea of reincarnation, maybe not exactly, but something. It's like we're all "recycled", spiritual remnants of each other, bits and pieces of each others' souls (although the word "soul" is vague by itself). When we leave here (and I ain't talking about some cult invented comet ship the state of "nirvana"). In other words, when we we quit breathing permanantly, parts of our "souls" become intertwined with other pieces of "soul" and somehow when time comes for a soul to be "reborn", like puzzle pieces our souls merge into one and in a way giving us an excuse to say, "Thus, explaining the reason why people "fit" or connect better with certain people while others do not." The ones who do feel they may have found thier "soulmate" might have been a soul reocnnecting with a piece of itself. Who friggin' knows? Jon Edward? Interesting intro eh?

Anytime you see (temporary) icon, it's going to mean I wrote/draw/thought it. Ok, I know brain surgery. So recognize the dino?

The Epitaph Browser
Croix / Crosses
Display of Famous and Non gravesites:
The Black Plague (more links):
Violence, Accidents, Poisoning:
