Ray Jones - A work in progress
I was born Raymond Christopher Jones, February 16, 1969.
I now have two boys of my own, Anthony (8/4/90) and Alec (3/13/93).
They are the greatest.
I live in Rock Island, IL.
I have a very precocious cat given to me by a very wonderful woman. Their names are "Baby Kitty" and Murlene, respectively. Now don't think that since the cat is named first that she is more important. It's just she scratches and bites more often than Murlene does. ;)She, Murlene that is, is the most important person in my life.
My interests are eclectic.
- I dabble in stage magic
- Read Sci-fi/Fantasy
- Write poetry/songs
- Play video games
- collect comic books
- Web and graphic design
- study Aikido
I am currently working on writing two novels and a comic book.
I want to learn to play the saxophone.
I hope to learn how to fly a plane one day.
My friends call me a hopeless romantic.
My favorite books are Cyrano de Bergerac, Ordinary People and Mute.
My favorite movies are The Princess Bride, Star Wars, Powder, My Chauffeur,
If You Could See What I Hear, Listen To Me, Labyrinth and Old Yeller.
I don't have any favorite colors.
My favorite food is White Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake.
Favorite Actors are John Travolta, Kevin Bacon, Marc Singer, Sean Connery,Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, Mel Gibson, Kiefer Sutherland, Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman and Matthew Broderick.
Favorite Actresses are Tia Carrera, Alyssa Milano, Nicole Kidman, Teri Hatcher, Joan Severance, Haile Berry, Geena Davis, Gina Gershon, Renee O'Conner and Demi Moore.
My guilty pleasures are cartoons and Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby Ice Cream
Favorite Authors: Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey and Piers Anthony
Favorite Artists: Salvador Dali and Boris Vallejo
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The people who made the biggest impact on my life:
- My brother, I respect him above all others.
- My H.S. Soccer Coach, Mark Zaban: He showed me how to lead as well as follow.
- My sons, they have redefined love in a whole new way for me.
- My Grandmother Mary: She taught me how to love unconditionally.
- My H.S. English teacher, Pat Walsh: He taught me how to be a circular thinker.
- My parents: No matter what, they never tried to stop me from being myself.
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Email: raycjones@hotmail.com