Bkul *w* & 2kul - cyberspace's perfect couple, |
Baabbs - a great friend |
hotlegs - My bestest cyber friend |
Catley - A woman I respect greatly |
HOPE2 - My cyber sis *HUGS* |
SHAVED - HOPE2's R/T Hubby |
pam - A special angel who always looks out for me |
northern cowboy - My drinking bud! |
Nutty Angel - My cyber therapist ( Hi slugger) |
Ala Mode- A special lady |
Honey Dust - A WAY cool site! |
Electra - My overacting MickeyD's gal! ;o) |
desi - the master of perverse verse |
Goldilocks1 - A VERY sexy lady |
MACKEE - A real sweet lady |
beulah/Maria - Full of tricks |
buubyie - My Cyber shipmate |
FelixTheCat - My R/T best bud |
Irish Lass - She's the Tops! |
little T - a small lady with a BIG heart |
Sweet Jersey Red - A class act |
True Romantic - A true lady with a heart of gold |
Mikaela - My canadian patient! |
Scute - yet another canadian cutie |
page101- a very wonderful woman (TICKLE) |
Sher - knows the true meaning of friend |
angelic- a real heart breaker this one |
Flores - Minniesota's cutest co-ed |
the tazmanian devil - the female version of trouble |
so-soft - her name says it all |
kiwipete - another chatter from down under |
Toucan - a bird with a lot of pluck |
Devil's Plaything - don't let the name fool you |
C@z - NZ just never runs out of wonders |
Kanga - A aussie chef that can really cook |
sed - an aussie sheepherder |
Britni - what out for the food fight |
Beetle - The military's beach-goer |
tedibear - so huggable |
Demure Housewife - a clever lady |
Surfer Babe - Always ready for a joke |
Shaynaha- A woman of a proud heritage! |