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My Fic Page

My Fanfic Page

These are links to my fanfic, I know there isn't much, but I'm working on them. Please be patient! I know as a reader that it's easy to hate an author who leaves you hanging, but love them 'cause they're so good. Look at the evil Joss! So, enjoy these for now. :-)

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Destiny Series

    Return to Sunnydale-The first story in my Buffy/Angel fic series.

    Home Again-The second story in my series.

Other B/A

    Truth...or Dare?-A short B/A fluff.

    Ice Cream-A short fluff.

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In His Words-Spike's POV, Becoming, VERY short.

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Boredom- Willow's POV, again a vignette.


Pictures are copyright 1999 The WB Television Network and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site .