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Oh man! I shouldn't call this an update, but I am. Sorry it's been so long, I've been so busy with school and all I haven't been able to have time to update. I'll do more soon, I hope.

Buffy Updates

8/21 I cleaned up the old updates and changed some color.

On 4/21/00 I took out "Charater of the Episode" and the link to the transcript. They were WAY outdated and I forgot they were there. I hope I'll have a new eppy list out soon.

Angel Updates

8/21 I cleared out old the old info. and change the color.

General Updates Updates

On 11/27 I cleaned out the links section. Thats Sorry!

On 3/12/00 I took out some of the old info. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. School is busy, and I really don't have time for this.

On 4/21/00 I took out some old links. I added a banner link to Jim and Kat's Buffy Site. I also finally put up my own version of Return to Sunnydale on the fanfic page. I much as I like bubbles' for putting it up, it was full of grammer errors.
