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Ranger Base Spell Circle
601 Natural Colors
602 Resist Elements
603 Foraging
604 Skinning
605 Whispering Willow
606 Phoen Strength
607 Sounds
608 Camouflage
609 Sunburst
610 Tangle Weed
611 Mass Colors
612 Breeze
613 Self Control
614 Imbue
615 Call Swarm
616 Spike Thorn
617 Sneaking
618 Mobility
619 Mass Calm
620 Killer Weed
625 Nature's Touch
630 Animal Comp.

601 · Natural Colors [NTRCOLOR]

Duration: 600 sec + 20 sec/ranger spells known

This spell attunes the target with their surroundings, making him or her more difficult to see, and correspondingly more difficult to attack. Activities such as hiding and stalking are also easier while this spell is in effect.

602 · Resist Elements [RESELEM]

Duration: 1200 sec + 60 sec/ranger spells known

This spell will create an area of near-constant temperature around the caster, offering protection against extreme forms of heat, cold, and electricity (attack or otherwise).

603 · Foraging [FORAGE]

Duration: 15 sec/lvl

While under the effect of this spell, the caster's sense of the plant-life in the local area is greatly heightened. Living herbs and other plants in the area, which might otherwise be difficult to find, will become obvious to the caster. This spell is very useful on expeditions to gather herbs and other valuable plants.

604 · Skinning [SKINNING]

Duration: 60 sec

This spell will make the caster more dexterous and better able to skin a carcass. While this spell lasts a very short time, it will add significantly to the caster's skill with the skinning knife.

605 · Whispering Willow [WHISWILLOW]

Duration: 30 sec/lvl

This spell will allow the caster to project his or her voice over a long distance, while having it remain but a mere whisper. When attempting to communicate with someone who is also outdoors, the natural surroundings of the area will carry the caster's voice to whomever s/he wishes to speak with.

606 · Phoen Strength [PHOENSTR]

Duration: 900 sec + 30 sec/ranger spells known

Phoen, god of the sun and husband of Oleani, lends his great strength to the caster when this spell is cast. This spell will increase the caster's inner strength, making him or her more likely to hit a target for the duration of the spell. This spell may only be cast outdoors.

607 · Sounds [SOUNDS]

Duration: 2 minutes

This spell creates distracting sounds all around the target, making them less able to defend themselves. The base penalty to the target is –20 to their defense and works best on targets up to 15 levels above the caster. For every additional level above the caster past 15 levels, there is a 20% failure per level until the target is 20 levels above the caster, at which point it will not work.

Training in the Ranger Spell Circle adds a bonus to this spell, maximizing at the 90th spell level, giving the target a maximum penalty of –50 to its defense. The level of the target can affect this bonus, but the penalty will always be at least –20 to the target’s defense on a successful cast.

608 · Camouflage [CAMOUFLAGE]

Duration: Immediate

While outdoors, the caster of this spell will be able to use the surroundings to blend in with such success as to be effectively invisible. This being an extreme benefit in combat, it will also make the caster significantly more likely to strike his/her target when attacking from their hidden position.

609 · Sunburst [SUNBURST]

Duration: Immediate

A great pulse of light will come from the caster's hand when this spell is cast, causing all those hidden to become obvious to all in the room. While this will not reveal invisible targets to the caster, it will make him/her aware of their presence.

610 · Tangle Weed [TANGLE]

Duration: Variable

This spell will cause a vine to animate (or grow) in a particular area and begin to lash about at creatures in the area. The vine is likely not only to attack, but also knock over any targets if it strikes them.

611 · Mass Colors [MASSCOLOR]

Duration: 900 sec + 30 sec/ranger spells known

This will allow the caster's entire group to feel the effects of the first level spell, Natural Colors, for a longer duration.

612 · Breeze [BREEZE]

Duration: 3 sec/lvl

This spell will create a small whirlwind in an area, creating moderately strong breezes which will blow away many forms of clouds, including gas clouds, poison clouds, and many fog clouds. While this spell does not directly modify combat, it can be invaluable protection for some dangerous hunting environments.

Light objects lying about the area have a tendency to get tossed about by this spell.
613 · Self Control [SELFCONTR]

Duration: 1200 sec + 60 sec/ranger spells known

This powerful spell will allow the caster to focus his or her will, as well as energy from the natural surroundings, and set up a powerful protection field around themselves. This spell will not only offer physical protection (+25 DS) but spell protection as well (+20 STD).

At certain points in training, the Ranger will gain the added ability to control both themselves and the energy around them. At 35 spell ranks, the Ranger will receive an additional +5 DS and STD, and again at 50 spell ranks, another +5 DS and STD, for a total of +35 DS/+30 STD.

614 · Imbue [IMBUE]

Duration: Immediate

When cast on a piece of natural, organic material (such as a tree branch), the ranger casting this spell will channel powerful energy into the object, changing its basic structure. The result will allow the affected object to be turned into a magical item by someone with the 20th level minor elemental spell. The higher level the ranger, the greater magic the object can hold.

Some organic objects, due to their structure, may be unaffected by this spell.
615 · Call Swarm [CALLSWARM]

Duration: Special

Using his/her innate ability to interact with nature, the ranger summons insects from the surrounding area to swarm against a foe. The venomous bites of the swarm of insects and their distracting noise aid the ranger on the battleground.

616 · Spike Thorn [SPIKETHORN]

Duration: Immediate

This spell will cause large, spiked thorns to grow under the target which will very likely damage him/her/it. The amount of damage depends not only on the ranger's level, but also the target's level, and the conditions under which it was cast. This spell can be very difficult to ward against.

While this spell will work indoors, it is more powerful when used where there is already vegetation present in the area.
617 · Sneaking [SNEAKING]

Duration: 300 sec + 20 sec/ranger spells known

When active, this spell will allow the caster to control all sound that emanates from his or her body, allowing a greater chance of hiding, sneaking, and stalking. When the caster also has the Natural Colors spell active, the two together make the caster nearly imperceptible when outdoors, thus allowing him or her to move from room to room unnoticed by all except only the most perceptive.

Although this spell allows the caster to move around mostly unnoticed, if a creature or player specifically looks around the room for a new target, the caster will still be noticed as the combination of the two spells does not allow for perfect invisibility.
618 · Mobility [MOBILITY]

Duration: 900 sec + 30 sec/ranger spells known

This spell will increase the ranger's reaction times and reflexes, allowing him or her to dodge "special" attacks, such as flying webs or acid attacks. This spell also will provide some slight protection against certain specific types of spells such as Tangle Weed.

619 · Mass Calm [MASSCALM]

Duration: Variable

An experienced ranger is adept in all forms of animal empathy. With this spell, the ranger takes the right non-threatening actions, says the correct soothing words, and makes calming gestures in order to sedate all creatures in the room. Although this spell has a short duration, it is very difficult to ward against.

620 · Killer Weed [KILLERWEED]

Duration: Variable

This powerful spell is similar in nature to the 10th level spell, Tangle Weed, and when cast indoors will create a vine nearly identical to that of the one generated by that spell outdoors. When this spell is cast outdoors, the thorny vine which grows from the ground will become much more animated and violent, actually injuring the target as the vine drags him/her/it to the ground.

625 · Nature's Touch [NATURETCH]

Duration: 300 sec + 10 sec/ranger spells known

Once cast, the ranger with this spell active will feel the power of nature surround him or her no matter where they are. This means the caster will be able to summon the energy to cast a lower level spell as if they were outside, even if they are inside.

630 · Animal Companion [ANIMALCOM]

Duration: Special

Once a ranger is attuned enough to nature to cast the 30th level spell in their circle, they are able to summon forth a beast of the wild to serve as their companion. The Animal Companion spell will call one of four types of animals (canine, rodent, feline, avian). A ranger may establish an affinity with the animal, befriend it, and develop a long-lasting bond with their companion.


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