#rats.Cmd if_2 goto gohunt echo **************** echo .rats weapon sheath echo **************** exit testexp: put exp match death - match gohunt clear match clearmind muddled match clearmind becoming numb match clearmind numb match clearmind must rest matchwait clearmind: pause 60 goto testexp gohunt: put stand wait put get my %1 from my %2 pause .5 put remove my shield goto find fromPARK: move n move e move n move e move e move n move e move e move s move s move go opening move e move go hole move go opening move east move north move go grate save north goto prefindrat frominn: goto fromPARK death: echo abnormal script termination echo abnormal script termination echo abnormal script termination put group open put stance def exit prefindrat: put look goto findrat findrat: match rat a giant rat match continue ious exits match continue Also here: matchwait prerat: put look goto rat rat: match killrat Obvious exits match continue Also here: matchwait killrat: put kill rat match RT Roundtime match rat ...wait match prefindrat could not find match death are a ghost match searchrat is already dead matchwait RT: pause 1 put search rat match searchrat skin it or something match RT ...wait match prerat Geez! It's still alive! Not a good time for that. match prerat A giant rat decays into a pile of mangy hair and bone. wait put exp match prefindrat clear match prefindrat muddled match prefindrat numb match leave must rest matchwait searchrat: put search rat wait put exp match prefindrat clear match prefindrat muddled match prefindrat numb match leave must rest matchwait continue: pause 1 put %s match find can't go there match findrat unnel match findrat atacomb match findrat est match findrat ewer matchwait find: pause 1 put look match fromPARK Town Square, Small Park match culdesac Cul-de-Sac match frominn Front Desk match entrance Several niches in the stone walls of this small, musty chamber match outsidehole Disturbing grunts and squeals emanate from a particularly dark match rathole suffocatingly close room is dark and foul-smelling match opening oblong tombs open out of the walls wherever space permits match trapdoor larger one running down the center of the floor match nexus Nexus match sewer mortar is falling out from around many of the bricks match sewer as the tunnel continues to drop match sewer thinking about the nature of this debris match sewer easily do without the slight movement of the air match sewer small pipes are visible through the muck on the walls match sewer pouring out of one of the many small pipes match sewer partially damming up the noxious liquid match sewer The small pipes in the walls grow fewer, but no less filthy match end seem to have reached the end of the tunnel match death Obvious exits matchwait leave: pause 1 put look match leaveentrance Several niches in the stone walls of this small, musty chamber match leaveoutsidehole Disturbing grunts and squeals emanate from a particularly dark match leaverathole Rat's Nest match leaveopening oblong tombs open out of the walls wherever space permits match leavetrapdoor larger one running down the center of the floor match leavenexus Nexus match leavesewer mortar is falling out from around many of the bricks match leavesewer as the tunnel continues to drop match leavesewer thinking about the nature of this debris match leavesewer easily do without the slight movement of the air match leavesewer small pipes are visible through the muck on the walls match leavesewer pouring out of one of the many small pipes match leavesewer partially damming up the noxious liquid match leavesewer The small pipes in the walls grow fewer, but no less filthy match leaveend seem to have reached the end of the tunnel match death Obvious exits matchwait culdesac: save east put go opening goto findrat leaveculdesac: move n move n move w move w move s move w move w move s move w move s put put my %1 in my %2 pause .5 put wear my shield pause .5 put group close wait goto clearmind entrance: move east move go hole move go opening goto findrat leaveentrance: move go opening goto leaveculdesac outsidehole: move go hole move go opening goto findrat leaveoutsidehole: move w goto leaveentrance rathole: move go opening goto findrat leaverathole: move go hole goto leaveoutsidehole opening: save east goto continue leaveopening: move go opening goto leaverathole trapdoor: save north move north put go grate goto findrat leavetrapdoor: move west goto leaveopening nexus: save north goto continue leavenexus: move go grate move south goto leavetrapdoor sewer: save north goto continue leavesewer: move north goto leave end: pause 1 put look match nend south match send north matchwait nend: save south goto continue send: save north goto continue leaveend: pause 1 put look match leavenend south match leavesend north matchwait leavenend: move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s goto leavenexus leavesend: move n move n move n move n move n move n move n goto leavenexus