#pinefar to rift - www.pirub.com move go door move go step move se move s move e move se move ne move e put cli rock move ne move e put cli stone move n put cli bould move nw move nw move ne move e move n move e move se move ne move go hatch move go open move n move nw move nw move n move n move e move go arch put cli west step move w move nw move nw move n put cli slop pause 5 move ne move e move ne move se move se move s move sw move s move sw move nw move sw put cli slop pause 5 move nw move n move ne move n move se move e move se put cli slop pause 5 echo echo ** You're getting too old for climbing! ** echo move se move sw put search ledge move go ledge move sw goto Mainloop Mainloop: PUT go door MATCH closed BONK! You smash your nose. MATCH closed Some unseen force is preventing you from doing that. MATCH open An anteroom is flanked with arches to the left and right. MATCHWAIT crown: PUT prep 401 PUT cast at crown MATCH crown Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly. match crown A faint aura begins to emanate from the crown. MATCH dead A soft glow surrounds the bas-relief crown for a moment MATCH bright The aura surrounding the crown brightens. MATCHWAIT closed: GOTO crown open: MOVE ne PUT go stair MOVE ne MOVE ne MOVE n MOVE nw MOVE sw PUT cli step PAUSE 3 PUT cli step MATCH nopool Obvious exits: south, east, northwest. MATCH nopool Obvious exits: east, west. MATCH nopool Obvious exits: south, west, northeast. MATCH pool Obvious exits: up. MATCHWAIT pool: pause 1 PUT go pool PUT swim down WAITFOR Roundtime: PUT sear wall WAITFOR The lack of light requires you to use your PUT swim cre WAITFOR Roundtime: 5 sec. GOTO swim nopool: PUT cli step PAUSE 3 PUT cli other step MATCH stepthree Obvious exits: south, east, northwest. MATCH stepthree Obvious exits: east, west. MATCH stepthree Obvious exits: south, west, northeast. MATCH pool Obvious exits: up. MATCHWAIT stepthree: PUT cli step PAUSE 3 PUT cli third step MATCH stepfour Obvious exits: south, east, northwest. MATCH stepfour Obvious exits: east, west. MATCH stepfour Obvious exits: south, west, northeast. MATCH pool Obvious exits: up. MATCHWAIT stepfour: PUT cli step PAUSE 3 PUT cli fourth step MATCH pool Obvious exits: up. MATCHWAIT swim: PUT swim ne MATCH swimagain Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest. MATCH bank Obvious exits: up, down. match swim ...wait MATCHWAIT swimagain: PUT swim nw MATCH swim Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest. MATCH bank Obvious exits: up, down. match swimagain ...wait MATCHWAIT bank: PUT swim up match bank ...wait PAUSE 1 PUT go bank Waitfor Obvious exits: northeast, southeast. move ne echo echo ** Welcome to the Cavern of Ages ** echo EXIT dead: PUT push tine WAITFOR The aura surrounding the crown fades away. GOTO crown bright: PUT prep 450 PUT cast at crown match bright Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly. match dosecondsummon The aura surrounding the crown brightens. match goindoor The aura surrounding the crown flares for a moment, then subsides to a steady brilliance. matchwait dosecondsummon: PAUSE 4 PUT prep 450 PUT cast at crown match botchsecondsummon Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly. match dosecondsummon The aura surrounding the crown brightens. match goindoor The aura surrounding the crown flares for a moment, then subsides to a steady brilliance. matchwait goindoor: PAUSE 4 PUT touch crown WAITFOR As your fingertips trace the outlines of the drakes PUT 'aenatumgana WAITFOR You notice the aura surrounding the bas-relief crown flicker out. GOTO Mainloop botchsecondsummon: PUT prep 450 PUT cast at crown PAUSE 4 PUT touch crown WAITFOR As your fingertips trace the outlines of the drakes PUT 'aenatumgana WAITFOR You notice the aura surrounding the bas-relief crown flicker out. GOTO Mainloop