#W-Melgorehns Reach Staircase Submitted By Lord Orac Http://www.newagegaming.com/Doomkilla.htm MainLoop: put look rune match Rrune The last one, labeled E, is directly under the R rune. Match Srune The last one, labeled E, is directly under the S rune. Match Orune The last one, labeled E, is directly under the O rune. Match Zrune The last one, labeled E, is directly under the Z rune. Match Error1 I could not find what you are refering to Matchwait Rrune: put push s rune match Success All the steps are in position, forming a complete staircase. Match Puzzle It is now lined up under the match StartAgain Nothing happens. Matchwait pause 3 Srune: put push o rune match Success All the steps are in position, forming a complete staircase. Match Puzzle It is now lined up under the match StartAgain Nothing happens. Matchwait pause 3 Orune: put push r rune match Success All the steps are in position, forming a complete staircase. Match Puzzle It is now lined up under the match StartAgain Nothing happens. Matchwait pause 3 Zrune: put push z rune match Success All the steps are in position, forming a complete staircase. Match Puzzle It is now lined up under the match StartAgain Nothing happens. Matchwait pause 3 Success: move go stair exit Puzzle: goto MainLoop StartAgain: put press e rune wait goto MainLoop Error1: Echo ***Seems your not at the Melghorans reach stairs