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Wizard Base Spell Circle
901 Minor Shock
902 Minor Elem. Edging
903 Minor Water
904 Minor Acid
905 Elem. Refraction
906 Minor Fire
907 Major Cold
908 Major Fire
909 Tremors
910 Major Shock
911 Mass Blur
912 Call Wind
913 Melgorehn's Aura
914 Fire Storm
915 Weapon Fire
916 Invisibility
917 Boil Earth
918 Duplicate
919 Wizard Shield
920 Call Familiar
925 Enchant Item
930 Familiar Gate
901 · Minor Shock [MINORSHOCK]

Duration: Immediate

A minor bolt of electrical energy leaps from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.

This spell is used extensively by young wizards, because it is an easy spell to learn and cast, and the mana requirements are low. This spell is also typically found in a variety of commonly found wands.

902 · Minor Elemental Edging [MINOREDGE]

Duration: 1 attack/lvl

This spell magically enhances a weapon, giving it a +15 bonus for the number of attacks equal to the level of the caster. The spell is cast on the weapon. The effects are not cumulative and this spell will not work on magic, cursed, holy, slaying or weapons made of special metals that provide a bonus, such as mithril.

There is no experience restriction for using a weapon with this spell, so anyone may use it. The spell only dispels when the number of attacks is exceeded. (Remember, even misses count as attacks!)

903 · Minor Water [MINORWATER]

Duration: Immediate

A bolt of highly compressed water is shot from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.

It is not as easy to hit a target with this spell as with Minor Shock; however it does more damage when it does hit. A more skilled wizard with the mana to cast this spell will usually find this spell is a more mana efficient choice after moving out of the easy hunting areas.

904 · Minor Acid [MINORACID]

Duration: Immediate

A bolt of hissing acid is shot from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.

This is a powerful elemental attack spell that is a more recent addition to the wizard's spell list. It provides a useful alternative to Minor Water or when facing creatures that are resistant to the more standard elemental bolt spells.

905 · Elemental Refraction [EREFRACT]

Duration: 600 sec + 15 sec/wizard spells known (selfcast)

Causes the target affected by the spell to appear to be offset slightly from the actually location where they really are. The illusion is imperfect, but it does provide enough confusion to be worth a +20 DS.

906 · Minor Fire [MINORFIRE]

Duration: Immediate

A bolt of fire is shot from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.

This is a very powerful elemental attack spell that is one of the primary attack spells for wizards. Although not the most powerful elemental attack spell available to wizards, it is effective in most situations and often provides the best results for the mana required to cast it. This is usually the spell of choice for wizards without the mana to hurl the more powerful lightning bolts.

907 · Major Cold [MAJORCOLD]

Duration: Immediate

A ball of pure cold is shot from the palm of the caster, exploding on impact. If the cast successfully hits the target, the target will experience damage from the initial hit as well as elemental critical damage as a result of the explosion. Once the ball of cold hits the target, the explosion can result in damage to other targets in the room, up to 8 targets.

Spell Aiming is the most important skill for this spell. Multi-opponent Combat can increase the ability of the cold ball to hit multiple targets in the room but is not required.

Ball attacks are much easier to hit with than the bolt attacks due to the added explosion at the end. However they tend to deliver less damage as the trade-off. This spell is a bit harder to aim and does less damage than Major Fire (908), but some creatures are elementally more resistant to one form of attack than another.

908 · Major Fire [MAJORFIRE]

Duration: Immediate

A ball of pure fire is shot from the palm of the caster, exploding on impact. Like Major Cold (907), if the cast successfully hits the target, the target will experience damage from the initial hit as well as elemental critical damage as a result of the explosion. Once the ball of fire hits the target, the explosion can result in damage to other targets in the room, up to 8 targets.

Spell Aiming is the most important skill for this spell. Multi-opponent Combat can increase the ability of the fireball to hit multiple targets in the room but is not required.

Ball attacks are much easier to hit with than the bolt attacks due to the added explosion at the end. However they tend to deliver less damage as the trade-off. This spell is a bit easier to aim and does more damage than Major Cold (907), but some creatures are elementally more resistant to one form of attack than another.

909 · Tremors [TREMORS]

Duration: Immediate

Causes the earth in the area to begin shaking in a very minor earthquake, complete with aftershocks. Everyone in the area must make a roll to remain standing. Note that the effect is actually an illusion, the disruption is not in the earth but in the magical aura. As such no structural damage will result and the caster is completely immune to the effect.

Attacking a fallen opponent lowers their AS and DS by 50. This is an easy way to get a big advantage over an opponent.

910 · Major Shock [MAJORSHOCK]

Duration: Immediate

A bolt of lightning is shot from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.

These bolts are much easier to aim than minor shocks since they have a tendency to arc to their target even if the aim is off. They also do much more damage than minor shock. This spell is highly regarded as the most potent bolt spell available to wizards, but the mana needed to cast it is so high that only the most accomplished wizards will use this spell on a regular basis.

911 · Mass Blur [MASSBLUR]

Duration: 900 sec + 30 sec/wizard spells known (selfcast)

Causes all characters in the caster's group to appear blurred to attackers, thus giving a +10 to DS. This is cumulative with other defensive effects.

The caster must be the leader of the group, thus all who have JOINed the caster (or the caster has done HOLD HANDS with) will benefit from this spell. Note that the effect remains on everyone even if the group breaks up, until the duration is reached.

912 · Call Wind [CALLWIND]

Duration: Instantaneous

Causes a vicious wind to erupt in the area. All in the area must make a save to remain standing. Items on the ground may be swept away by the wind. The violent, swirling wind will also cause all combatants to lose their positioning, which causes their stance to become less defensive. The caster is unaffected as is anyone else in their group.

Very effective at rendering a foe vulnerable to attack.

913 · Melgorehn's Aura [MELAURA]

Duration: 1200 sec + 60 sec/wizard spells known (selfcast)

+20 DS + 1 DS / 3 wizard spells known (over 13)
+20 ETD + 1 ETD / 3 wizard spells known (over 13)

Mana cost is 13 + 1 / additional pt of benefit

914 · Fire Storm [FIRESTORM]

Duration: 10 sec/lvl

Causes a rain of fire to fall in the area for the duration of the spell. Each combatant in the room must make a save to avoid being struck by one of the fire balls. The firestorm requires 1 round to form.

Unlike death cloud, this effect is much more predictable. Anyone caught in the area is likely to be affected (unlike the clouds which drift so much they sometimes affect no one). WARNING: This is an extremely dangerous spell that will effect everyone in the area. Use with EXTREME caution! The wise wizard NEVER uses this in an area where others may be hunting.

915 · Weapon Flare [WEAPONFLARE]

Duration: 10 sec/lvl

If successful, this spell will cause the target's weapon-in-hand to flare. The type of elemental flare depends on the element the caster is attuned with. The strength and number of times the weapon will flare vary based on the skill of the caster. Creatures may drop their weapon, but unless the spell has subsided 'anyone' picking up the weapon may be struck down by another flare!

This spell does not typically work on magic, holy, cursed, or weapons forged of special metals such as mithril.

916 · Invisibility [INVISIBLE]

Duration: 1200 sec + 30 sec/wizard spells known

The caster becomes nearly invisible. So long as no sudden move is made, such as an attack, the caster is extremely difficult for most people to detect without magical means. This spell does not cloak smells or sounds, so many creatures will have no difficulty finding an invisible combatant, although they might be confused by the conflict of senses.

Note: A creature that locates an invisible target will often promptly attack! This is typical and the invisibility will be removed before the physical attack is made by the creature.

917 · Boil Earth [BOILEARTH]

Duration: Immediate

The ground beneath the target suddenly becomes molten. There is a chance of doing immediate direct damage to the leg area. This may cause the target to fall and receive a number of more serious injuries.

Although other spells can achieve similar ends, Boil Earth is more difficult to cast because it requires precise control to affect a single selected target instead of the more diffuse targets of area spells which affect friend and foe alike.

918 · Duplicate [DUPLICATE]

Duration: Immediate

This spell calls upon the elemental forces to replicate an inanimate object. This is a very tricky proposition and as such the spell has some limitations. Objects that are made from elements (such as gems, silver, or gold) usually will not duplicate. Magical items, items made of special metals such as mithril, holy and cursed items are also resistant to this spell. On some occasions, when the forces are especially powerful, such a duplication will succeed. When this spell fails, there is usually nothing to show for the effort -- sometimes a useless hunk of material will result and sometimes a very unstable version of the object will be created. However when it succeeds (as it usually does on simple objects), you will have an exact duplicate of the item.

Despite being duplicated, the mass of the two objects remains fairly comparable to the orginal. Typically no difference will be noted, however the stress caused by the duplication process will leave each one structurally unsound. Any attempt to duplicate either item again will cause it a catastrophic failure and a rather flashy display of pyrotechnics! Any wise wizard will first use Elemental Detection (405) on an item before attempting to duplicate it.

To find out what will duplicate and what won't requires trial and error; research on this is unreliable since it seems some wizards are better at duplication of certain items than others.

919 · Wizard Shield [WIZSHIELD]

Duration: 1200 sec + 30 sec/wizard spells known (selfcast)

The most powerful of defensive spells in the Wizard Circle. The Wizard's Shield will grant a +50 bonus to the target's DS.

The duration will extend/increase if the spell is cast repeatedly. The defensive bonus stacks nicely with all other spells, so you will gain the full defensive benefits regardless of which other defensive spells the target may already have.

920 · Call Familiar [FAMILIAR]

Duration: 1 min/lvl (refreshable for wizards, not cumulative)

Once wizards obtain 20th level, they are usually expected to be seen with a familiar, though this often takes longer since learning this spell requires quite an investment in research. The Call Familiar spell will summon forth a small animal (such as a falcon, wolf, etc.) to the caster for the duration of the spell. The type of creature which appears is dependant upon the local inhabitants of the area the caster is in.

The wizard can see through the eyes of their familiar and can command it to perform a few simple tasks. Although a familiar is not useful in combat, it can be helpful for information gathering and as a messenger. Familiars have different types of, abilities strengths and weaknesses.

If the wizard should die, a familiar will attempt to seek help on its own, though this is not always effective. Sometimes a familiar will find a character and try to get him/her to come to your aid, sometimes the familiar will even find other folk who can help.

925 · Enchant Item [ENCHANT]

Duration: Immediate

When successfully cast upon a properly prepared weapon, armor, or shield, this spell will add to the magical bonus of the item by +5. The process of preparing an item for enchanting is one that requires great skill and patience on the part of the wizard. This is typically accomplished through the repeatedly tempering the item with a special potion and enchanting it after it has completely cured. This process will usually be done at least as many times as there are enchantments upon the item. After the final enchantment is successfully cast upon the project, the item will gain +5 to the magical bonus.

Many different potions are available for tempering items. These can vary in quality as well as what types of enchanting projects they are best suited for. Which one you use with care in order to ensure a successful enchantment.

930 · Familiar Gate [FAMGATE]
Duration: Special

This spell opens a magical portal between the caster and their familiar. It is not possible to open up a portal to all areas accessible by familiars. Anyone may pass through the gate, but once the wizard who created the portal steps through, it will close behind them. It is possible to drag people through the gate, which makes this spell particularly useful to wizards attempting to help retrieve the bodies of those who have fallen.

950 · Elemental Guardian  

Not yet implemented.


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