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A bit about Fushigi Yuugi...

This is a bit about my favorite anime, Fushigi Yuugi. It has a few spoilers, so if you don't want to hear it, don't go on...

Fushigi Yuugi is the story about two girls about to take the high school entrance exams... Miaka and Yui... And one day they go to the library and go into a room that they shouldn't and picked up a book... Miaka was absorbed in the book and into a different world... She became the Suzaku no miko, or the in-between of man and the god Suzaku. (Which if you ask me, looks like a giant red chicken... Yes, yes, I know he's SUPPOSED to be a phoenyx, or however you spell it, but there are times when he just looks too much like a chicken to ignore.) Well, what she has to do is find the seven shichiseshi, her protectors, and summon forth Suzaku to lead the country to prosperity and triumph over their enemies... She can tell the seshi from normal people because they have a symbol somewhere on their bodies... It's also the love story of Miaka and one of her seshi, Tamahome.... After a while, Yui is in the book too, and becomes Miaka's enemy.. The Seiryuu no miko... (Seiryuu is a dragon..) All because Miaka is back in the real world for a while, and Yui is supposedly raped in the book.. (Time flows differently in the book and real life..) And Miaka wasn't there for her.. And she thinks that Miaka came back for Tamahome and not her... Which isn't true... But now, on to more things...


Tamahome is the hero of the story... When you first meet him, you think that he is just money-hungry. All he does, he does for money... But.. Then you find out that he is getting money to take care of his family, because his father is sick. He is very noble. He would lay down his life for Miaka, or for his family... His powers are basically martial arts... He has the symbol of the Oni (Ogre, demon, ghost, whatever..) on his forehead that lights up when his chi is high... He wasn't given a powerup item when all the seishi are given them. but you find out soon that he DOESN'T need any more powering up... His family is killed by Suboshi, one of Yui's seshi, and when he finds out and Suboshi taunts him... To put it quite frankly, he powers up... You can see the character on his forehead change... And his hair stands on end and grows lighter... He has a HUGE red battle aura... And his power is almost unequalled... Later on, when he thinks that Nakago had his way with Miaka, he changes again... And he lets loose with a fireball that melts Nakago's armor... And if you know Nakago, NOTHING touches him... But, unfortunately, he turns evil at one point.. He turns good again, but still... Miaka's love brings him back...


Chichiri is the coolest of the bunch... He ends everything with no da.. Doesn't mean anything, but still, it's mostly just for humor I think... He always appears out of noplace and is the one that gets the most laughs.... He wears a mask, which you don't know is a mask until later in the series... But when the mask comes off... He is the most serious and mature one... Underneath the mask, (This picture is without the mask, he looks much happier with the mask..) he has a scar that covers half of his face... He got the scar a while back... He was engaged once... And he, his fiancee and his best friend all hung out together... And one day, he found out that his fiancee and his best friend were having an affair... In a fit of rage he killed them both. But, he was left with the scar as a result of the scuffle. He could heal the scar because he is a magician of sorts... His power as a seishi is magicry... His item that enhances his power, is a staff.... My favorite scene with him is right after a touching scene with Mitsukake... He sees some men fighting, who have been brought back to life.. And he has the mask off and is screaming at them to not let him see them throwing their lives away... It rules...


Nuriko is, quite frankly.. A man... I say this because when you first see him.. He's dressed as a woman trying to make Hotohori choose him as his wife... And when you find out... He gets crap about being gay for the rest of the series... He does have a good reason.. His sister died when he was young.. And ever since then, he has been living her life, because she wasn't able to... Later, he acts more like a guy, and becomes attracted to Miaka... But.. He dies... I cried buckets when he did... His power is strength... And his items are bracelets that turn into gauntlets when he needs them.. and they boost his already great strength...


Hotohori is the emperor of the country that worships Suzaku... He's in love with Miaka and is rather vain... But, he's noble in the fact that he is there for Miaka without trying anything.... Another of the better characters.... Unfortunately, he dies.... (Quite frankly, everyone except Tasuki, Chichiri, Tamahome and Miaka on Suzaku's side dies...) His power? I have no clue.. But I do know that he has a deity's sword.. Which can reflect spells.. A rather cool thing that comes in useful...


Tasuki is one of the coolest characters... He was the leader of some bandits when Miaka found him... And he makes you laugh so hard so many times.... He and Tamahome have this cool rival thing going... They're always messin around... He has this cool fan that shoots fire... He screams out LEKKKA-SHIIIIINNNN!!!! It rules.. hehehe...


Mitsukake is the healer of the bunch.. He does a few cool things, but only a few REALLY cool things.. You don't get to know him too well... His power is healing.... He does have an awesome death though! When he gave his life and brought back all of these people from death, it was truely a great death.


Chiriko is ok.. You don't get to know him too well... His power is knowledge... He is what I would call a badass. Although it doesn't shine through until he dies. He kills himself, and then won't let Mitsukake bring him back, because one of the Seiryuu seishi has possessed him... Just watching the determination in that scene... It's enough to make you cry!


This is quite possibly the coolest cat to ever grace the screen... And when I say cat, I mean cat! She's Mitsukake's... And always seems to be in the right location at just the right time.. If I didn't know better, I'd say that the cat was a seshi... I'd rather see her eat Suzaku though.. =)

That is the last for the Suzaku side.. I might add a Seiryuu character synopsis someday.. I really should, seeing that Nakago is one of my favorite characters, with his Be Not Fist.