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You want to know about me?

Hey hey hey! This is the part where you find out a few things about me.

I am Brad... A 25-year-old recent graduate of Ball State University. I studied my butt off and got two degrees; one in Journalism, one in Japanese. Now, I just need to figure out where I'm going from here.

I'm thinking of starting up my own gaming company, Dubloon Enterprises. I already have a sit-down RPG near completed, all I need is a publisher. I figured that I had such a twisted imagination, it would translate well into a game. Let's hope that's right.

I've been through a lot in my life. I've faced death and lived. I've lived through what seems like an eternity of tragedies, but have emerged a stronger man because of it. I've loved and lost, and loved yet again.

I'm perpetually single, but that's more by choice than anything else. The right woman will come along, I just have to wait for her. Or maybe she's already here, but under my nose and unnoticed. Or maybe I notice her, but she doesn't notice me. I have no clue.

In the end, I'm me. I can't explain me on paper. I suppose I'm just someone who has to be seen to understand. Or maybe you truly must get to know me to understand me.


Just some links...

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Top 11 reasons why everyone should love me!
