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Some of me writing...


Two souls

Destinies intertwined

Falling through eternity


When you find the one

Two souls

Eternity waits

Winter is over

Spring is here.



He stands burning

Burning with passion

With anger

With love

His heart knows no bounds

But has been caged

His love infinite

But with no way to express

Loving from afar

Trying to be near

Someday she will wait

That day they fear

Someday will come

Someday will vanish

As the wind whips through

His long hair

He walks away

Like drifting sand in the wind



The mistakes

Too many to overcome

The sadness

Too great to overcome

The words said in anger

Too spiteful to overcome

The stabs at each other's hearts

Too painful to overcome

Love overcomes


Well, that's some poety.. To get anything else, you'll have to email me and ask me for it! Who knows, I might even send you a copy of my one-act play.. The one I'm having published.. I love to write, but only when I am in the mood, otherwise, FORGET IT!

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