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Rootbound Genealogy Research Request Form

Individual you wish researched:
First Name ___________________  Last Name__________________________
Any alias or alternate spelling under which record might be located:

Other information (spouse, children, etc) which may assist search:



Search you are seeking for this person:_________________________________

State in which to search_____________________________________________

Year or time period for search ________________________________________
(see availability listings under each type search)

Amount enclosed____________     Check_____Money Order______

(See pricing under individual research type headings.  If amount is incorrect, you will be notified prior to processing search request)
Make payable to Susie Martin-Rott

Please Print: This is where we will send your completed research!

First Name  _____________ Middle Initial  _______  Last Name ____________________

Phone Number  (___)  ____--_____________  E-mail__________________________

Street  ___________________________________ Apt.  _______________

City  _____________________________ State _________  ZIP  ___________________

I understand that this research fee is not refundable if the results of the search are negative and that I will be notified if no records matching my criteria are found.  I also understand that
in the event of a returned check, I will be held responsible for the amount of the check plus any bank/services charges which may result from the check's return.

Signature  _____________________________________________________
 Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of completed research.

Please mail this form and your payment  to:
Susie Martin-Rott
Rootbound Genealogy Research Services
3416 N. 54th St
Tampa, FL 33619