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Hi and welcome to a page I am dedicating to anyone who has had to deal with the disease of CANCER. This is something very personal to me as I was first diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago. After surgery and chemotherapy treatment, my cancer recurred two years later. More chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant and radiation followed. Just under two years after that the cancer was back again, and now there was more surgery, more chemotherapy, more radiation is being done now. Although I am getting through this, the fear and anger and frustration will probably remain forever. I can only pray the hope and faith will also remain. Only someone who has experienced the tragedy of this illness can understand the wide range of emotions associated with cancer. Just remember that no matter what the future may bring, there are people here who can and will support you, and will give you strength when you need it. Talking with someone who has been through the same fight does help somewhat, so please remember I am here and just leave a message in my guestbook if I can help.........*hugs & kisses*.......Love, Kim

What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited--
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit

Author Unknown

A special Thank You to the doctors and hospital staff at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. You have given me more time to do the things most important to me.

Gotta love these counters.......LoL

The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organization
My First page, and what got me started with this addiction.........LOL
A personal page about me made by my bro, Fonsie...Thanks hon.
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