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Dr. Hatton's Recommended Reading

Getting Control (1991) Baer, L. Little Brown and Co.

Over and Over Again (1991) Nezirogulu, F. & Yarura-Tobias, J. Lexington Books.

Stop Obsessing (1991) Foa, E. & Wilson, R. Bantam Books.

When Once Is Not Enough (1990) Steketee, G. & White, K. New Harbinger Publications.
All are descriptions of OCD as an anxiety disorder, offering both advice and strategies for developing behavioral self-help programs.

Brain Lock (1996) Schwartz, J. Harper Collins.
Newest of the OCD self-help books, this emphasizes a cognitive-behavioral "4-step" approach that some people find very helpful.

The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing (1991) Rapoport, J. Penguin Books.
Primarily a compassionate collection of case-histories of OCD sufferers.

Funny, You Don't Look Crazy (1993) Foster, C. Diligaf, Maine.
Testimonials from people with OCD and family members.

Polly's Magic Games (1993) Diligaf, Maine.
A book for children with OCD to share with families and friends to promote understanding.

The Secret Problem (1994) Phillips, N. Shrinkwrap Press.
A book written for kids and using cartoons to explain OCD and its treatments.

The Doubting Disease (1995) Ciarrocchi, J. W. Paulist Press.
Understanding and treatment of scrupulosity.

Teaching the Tiger (1995) Dornbush, M. P. & Pruitt, S. K. Hope Press.
Handbook for individuals involved in educating students with OCD, Tourette's Disorder or Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorders.

The Sky is Falling: Understanding and Coping with Phobias, Panic and Obsesive Compulsive Disorders (1996) Dumont, R. W. W. Norton Press.
Suffering with and recovering from various anxiety disorders.

Phantom Illness: Shattering the Myth of Hypochondria (1996) Cantor, C. with Fallon, B. Houton Miflin.
Insights into the hature of "hychondria."

The Broken Mirror: Understanding and Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder (1997) Phillips, K. Oxford Press.
Descriptions and causes of BDD, in addition to help for individuals and the family.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: New Help for the Family (1998) Gravitz, H. Healing Visions Press.
Discussions of the ways in which OCD affects the family, and resources for helping the family cope and encourage recovery.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders - A Complete Guide to Getting Well and Staying Well (2000) Penzel, F. Oxford Press.
Truly a complete guide - explanations, related problems, medications and therapy.

Freeing Your Child From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Powerful, Practical Program For Parents of Children and Adolescents (2000) Chansky, T. E. Times Books.
A great guide for parents that helps explain and design a recovery program for kids with OCD.

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