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Learning Experience

The "Learning Experience" is an integral part of the College Program. As a participant, you will be required to fulfill a learning plan of buisness seminars and electives. The business curriculum addresses management issues for a wide range of companies, large and small, private and public, service and manufacturing, including a discussion on how Disney is meeting today's business challenges. You will personalize your learning experience by choosing electives from the Disney University's wide array of resources. Electives may be focused to support your individual interests or college major. You will also have the opportunity to create a portfolio resum`e, featuring your Walt Disney World College Program experiences, to document your achievements for potential employers.

Seminar and elective attendance is recorded on your final review, which is sent to your faculty advisor.
It is your responsibilty to share your seminar and electives schedule with your scheduling supervisor at your work location. This will assist him or her in designing a work schedule around your seminars.
Each seminar will begin promptly. Students who arrive after the scheduled start time of a seminar, or are late returning from break, will not be admitted.
The business seminars require appropriate business attire.
A college program textbook will be given to you at the beginning of the program. It will be your responsibilty to bring this college program textbook to each seminar.
Business seminars provide insight into the Walt Disney Co. and attenedance is required. Because seminar is taken so seriously , it is asked that you consider these to be an importnat part of your program.

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