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Discovery and History of the Caverns

On November 5, 1892, workmen blasting limestone rock on the farm of Augustine Armentrout, were amazed and thrilled when a heavy charge in the hillside burst into a wonderland. Above the door where one enters today may be seen a part of the round hole in the rock-ribbed opening known as "Discovery Gate," which leads into one of Nature's treasure houses.

After discovery this hidden treasure lay practically unknown for about thirty years. However during those thirty years many maids and youths of the community danced the "Virginia Reel" by candle light in the spacious Ball Room.

In May, 1925 C. D. Shank of Harrisonburg, Virginia became interested in the underground spectacle, and through his efforts the Harrisonburg-Massanutten Corporation was organized. A survey was made, development work both within and without the caverns was begun at once.

New sections of the caverns have been opened and much has been done to add to the comforts of the visitor, but at no place in the Caverns has the natural splendor and the beauty been altered.

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