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The Hidden Drama of Massanutten

For hundreds of years Nakwisi-Gatusi, "Star-in-the-Mountain," lay in her chamber in lovely splendor. The giant Massanutten gave no hint of the secret laying at his feet; Nakwisi and her glittering casket were a stray jewel carelessly flung into his tresure chest and forgotten.

Star-in-the-Mountain lived and played in the virgin woods that cluttered the slope of Massanutten. The white man had not reached these shores; only Indian trails traced the placid surface of the valley of Virginia; only smoke from scattered campfires rose from the thick woods to the sky

Little is known of these people, who so long ago left the imprint of their presence in Massanutten's caves. What they knew of these glittering chambers, what they believed about them, is a mystery. The powerful Algonquins, who once owned the plains and the mountains of the eastern coast, left scattered legends. But these, threaded mainly upon religion and superstition, say little of the underlying wonders of the Virginia mountain country.

Area History!

The Miller Family