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The Kadath

All written text in the Kadath is copywrite (c) 1999; all rights reserved

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Chapter 1: The temple

Chapter 2: The Cult of Ma Yuan

Chapter 3: Kenku

Chapter 4: Oclar

Chapter 5: The Giant Wolverine

Chapter 6: Caught!

Chapter 7: The Tomb of the Fallen

Chapter 8: The Execution

Chapter 9: Lord Jared's Ball

Chapter 10: The Death of Toa

Chapter 11: Gurt

Chapter 12: Special Delivery

Chapter 13: The Manticore

Chapter 14: Braze

Chapter 15: You Idiot!!!

Chapter 16: Arlet

Chapter 17: By Ukko!

Chapter 18: A little R&R

Chapter 19: The Paladins

Chapter 20: A Fiery Ambush

Chapter 21: Winter

Chapter 22: Off to a bad start

Chapter 23: A Rocky Road Indeed

Chapter 24: Derro and Dwarves

Chapter 25: Reunited

Chapter 26: A treacherous Dinner

Chapter 27: Flight to Oclar

Chapter 28: The Luck of the Draw

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