mil-len-ni-um (n.) - A span of one thousand years.
The end of the second millennium
This date,
Consequently, our present millennium
and the beginning of the third was reached
on January 1, 2001.
based on a calendar created in Rome,
in 526 Anno Domini (A.D.),
is now recognized globally.
Rather than starting with the year zero,
the calendar begins with the date January 1, 1 A.D.
was officially reached on January 1, 2001.
New Millennium Resolution:
To Learn from the Mistakes of This Past
So that It's Follies will Never Again Be
For the Sake of Humanity.
Everyone has the dark side within,
- George Lucas -
so there's a constant struggle to do the right
The good side is compassion & caring about other
the dark side is greed and self-centeredness.
Director - Star Wars
The Nazi Holocaust occurred when Hitler's "Third
This involved the deliberate massacre of
All were moved to the Death Camps at Auschwitz,
sought to exterminate all of those
from the earth, who were not of the pure
German Aryan race.
11-million human beings, including:
6-million Jews, 500,000 homosexuals,
& equally large numbers of other groups,
philosophers, mathematicians, Catholics,
clergymen, teachers, Jehovah's Witnesses,
painters, composers, merchants, gypsies,
Russians, Poles, liberals, Social Democrats,
white-collar workers, & the handicapped -
all considered non-conformists to strict Nazi
Dachau, Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, & elsewhere
to be gased, electrocuted, or killed by Phenol
flamethrower, or hand grenade.
They came for the Jews,
Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
Then they came for the Catholics,
Then they came for me...
- Martin Niemoeller -
and I didn't speak up because I was not a Jew.
and I didn't speak up because I didn't practice a
and I was a Protestant, so I didn't speak up.
by that time there was no one left to speak up.
(1892 - 1984)
With clear intent, let us gather the leaves of
- Reverend A. James Hillelson -
bless the seeds of futuristic human potential
and with nurturing hearts, flower the 21st
with spiritual vision, creative education,
mystical inspiration, and practical devotion
to the God of all nations through unity,
expansiveness, and commitment
to inner and thus outer peace.
New World Educational Foundation
I am convinced that human nature is basically
- His Holiness The Dalai Lama -
not aggressive. And every one of us
has a responsibility to act as if all
our thoughts, words, and deeds matter.
For, really, they do.
Our lives have both purpose and meaning.
Ethics For The New Millennium
- Winner of "The Nobel Peace Prize" -
A group visiting the Dalai Lama
1) How do we Address the Widening Gap
2) How do we Protect The Earth?
3) How do we Educate Our Children?
4) How do we Help Tibet
5) How do we Bring Spirituality
The Dalai Lama relayed that All Five
If We Have True Compassion In Our Hearts
The group then asked the Dalai Lama
His Response:
He shared a simple practice with them
He Asked Everyone In The Group
1) Spend 5-Minutes at the Beginning of Each Day
2) Spend 5-Minutes - Breathing In - Cherishing
3) During The Day Extend That Attitude
4) Continue This Practice No Matter What
I find these thoughts of the Dalai Lama
You'll find the practice of cherishing
focused on what they believed to be
- The Five Most-Important Questions -
facing the World in the New Millennium:
between the Rich & the Poor?
& Other Oppressed
Countries & Peoples of the World?
- Deep Caring For One Another -
Through All Disciplines of Life?
Fall Under the Last One.
Then Our Children Will Be Educated Wisely,
We Will Care For The Earth,
& Those Who "Have Not" Will Be Cared For.
"Do You Think Loving On The Planet
Is Increasing Or Staying The Same?"
"My Experience Leads Me To Believe
That Love IS Increasing."
that will Increase Love & Compassion In The World.
To Return Home & Share It
With As Many People As They Can.
Remembering that We All Want The Same Things
(To Be Happy & To Be Loved)
And That We Are All Connected To Each Other.
& Breathing Out - Cherishing Others.
If You Think About People You Have Difficulty
Extend Your Cherishing To Them Anyway.
To Everyone You Meet.
Practice Cherishing The Simplest Person
(Clerks, Attendants, etc.)
As Well As The "Important" People in Your Life;
Cherish The People You Love & The People You
Or What Anyone Does To You.
to be simple, inspiring, & helpful.
can be taken very deep if done wordlessly.
Just allow yourself to feel the love &
that is already there in your heart.
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round
Ever follow a butterfly's erratic flight
You better slow down
Do you run through each day on the fly
When the day is done, do you lie in bed
You'd better slow down, don't dance so fast
Ever told your child, we'll do it tomorrow
Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die
You'd better slow down, don't dance so fast
When you run so fast to get somewhere
Life is not a race.
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
When you ask "How are you?"
Do you hear the reply?
With the next hundred chores
running through your head?
Time is short, the music won't last.
And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
'Cause you never had time to call & say "Hi"?
Time is short, the music won't last
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry & hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift...
Thrown away...
Take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
She smiled at a sorrowful stranger
The smile seemed to make him feel better.
He remembered past kindness' of a friend
And wrote him a thank you letter.
The friend was so pleased with the thank you
That he left a large tip after lunch.
The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,
Bet the whole thing on a hunch.
The next day she picked up her winnings,
And gave part to a man on the street.
The man on the street was grateful;
For two-days he'd had nothing to eat.
After he finished his dinner,
He left for his small, dingy room.
He didn't know at that moment
That he might be facing his doom.
On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
And took it home to get warm.
The puppy was very grateful
To be in, out of the storm.
That night the house caught fire
The puppy barked the alarm.
He barked 'til he woke the whole household
And saved everybody from harm.
One of the boys that he rescued
Grew up to be President.
All this because of a simple smile
That hadn't cost a cent.
Whoever saves one person,
- The Talmud -
saves the world entire.
(And featured in the film "Schindler's List")