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There are 2 things you must know about how I work:

When you need me but do not want me,
I must stay.

When you want me but do not need me,
I must go.

- Nanny McPhee

Anybody pretending to be anything other than who you really are,
you will never ever reach your personal potential.
- Oprah Winfrey

Birds sing after the storm.

Don't Do Bad Things,
Only Do Good Things.

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.

- Yoda

If I have been of service,
if I have glimpsed more of the nature
and essence of ultimate good,
if I am inspired to reach wider horizons
of thought and action,
if I am at peace with myself,
it has been a successful day.

- Alex Noble

Take Initiative.

Each person has a choice in life:
s/he may approach it as a creator or a critic,
a lover or a hater, a giver or a taker.

The scent of flowers cannot travel against the wind,
but the scent of good deeds travels in all directions.

- The Dhammapada

Treat EVERYTHING as though it is a Test.

- Coleman Wheeler -

90% Of Education Is Encouragement


- The Golden Rule -

How sad that people ignore the near,
And search for truth afar.

- Hakuin

No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.


Mi Taku Oyasin
(We Are All Related)

- Lakota Indian Saying -

Is one who knows you as you are,
Understands where you've been,
Accepts who you've become,
And still invites you to grow.

One of the great things about being young
is that you can reject what came before,
and you can change what lies ahead.

- Oprah Winfrey -
Television Host


  • How Well Did You Love?
  • How Fully Did You Live?
  • How Deeply Did You Learn
    To Let Go?

    A hero is someone who has given his or her life
    to something bigger than oneself.

    - Joseph Campbell -
    Spiritual Philosopher/Author

    The wave of the future is coming
    and there is no stopping it.

    - Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
    Author of Gift From The Sea

    You Can't Push The River -
    It Just Keeps Flowing...& Flowing...& Flowing...

    - Coleman Wheeler -

    Miracles happen
    only to those who believe in them.

    - French Proverb -

    I will speak ill of no one,
    and speak all the good I know of everybody.

    - Benjamin Franklin -

    When you judge others,
    you are revealing
    your own fears & prejudices.

    All we have to fear - is fear itself.

    - Franklin D. Roosevelt -
    U.S. President

    Love is patient, Love is kind and envies no one,
    Love is never boastful, nor conceited,
    nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.
    In a word, there are three things that last forever:
    Faith, Hope, & Love;
    but the greatest of them all is Love.

    - 1 Corinthians 13 -
    The Bible

    Its not how far you fall, but how high you bounce.


    A hundred years from now...
    it will not matter
    what my bank account was,
    the sort of house I lived in,
    or the kind of car I drove...
    but the world may be different
    because I was important in the life of a child.

    Wealth is not synonymous with happiness,
    nor is poverty synonymous with not being happy.

    - Tony Brown -
    Television Commentator
    "Tony Brown's Journal"

    Choose a job you love,
    and you will never have to work
    a day in your life.

    - Confucius -
    Spiritual Leader

    Two stonecutters were asked what they were doing.
    The first said "I'm cutting this stone into blocks",
    The second replied, "I'm on a team
    that's building a cathedral."

    The words you choose will change your mood,
    for better or worse.

    A person's mind, once stretched by a new idea,
    never regains its original dimension.

    - Oliver Wendell Holmes -

    ...Stimulates Creativity Stimulates Creativity...

    - Coleman Wheeler -

    If your dreams are bigger than most,
    if your ideas are more creative,
    there will be criticism.

    - Robert H. Schuller -
    Television Evangelist

    If you don't stand for something,
    you'll fall for anything.

    A shortcut is often the quickest way
    to someplace you weren't going.

    - Classic Crossword Puzzles -

    Don't hang out with people
    who are abusive to themselves or others,
    and don't go to places or get involved in activities
    that will pull you down, get you in trouble,
    or cause you pain.

    can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks.
    Its all just a matter of how you view them.

    We don't know One-Millionth of One-Percent
    about anything.

    - Thomas Edison -
    Inventor - 1092 Patents

    If your life is free of failures,
    you're not taking enough risks.

    Don't judge those who try & fail;
    judge only those who fail to try.

    Some goals are so worthy, its glorious even to fail.

    When the Great Scorer comes to write
    against your name,
    S/He marks not that you won or lost,
    but how you played the game.

    - Grantland Rice -

    You only live once...
    but once is enough if you do it right.

    Everything flows on & on like this river,
    without pause, day and night.

    - Confucius -
    Spiritual Leader

    Rain falls on every roof;
    the sun shines upon all alike.

    - African Proverb -

    Whether we like it or not, we are all immigrants.

    - A California Police Officer -

    Things turn out best for the people
    who make the best out of the way things turn out.

    - Art Linkletter -
    Television Host/Author

    If you keep on saying things are going to be bad,
    you have a good chance of being a prophet.

    - Isaac Bashevis Singer -
    Jewish Author

    Though we travel the world over
    to find the beautiful,
    we must carry it with us or we find it not.

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson -

    Don't let life discourage you;
    everyone who got where s/he is
    had to begin where s/he was.

    Only those who will risk going too far,
    can possibly find out how far one can go.

    - T.S. Eliot -

    We must embrace the absurd
    and go beyond everything we have ever known.

    - Janie Gustafson -

    If you want to succeed,
    you have to GO FOR IT
    and give it all you've got.
    New powers are discovered
    every time you push yourself
    farther than you've ever gone before.
    There are deeper layers of energy,
    talent, & creativity within you,
    waiting to be tapped.

    Anybody whose life is static, is dead.

    Enthusiasm is Energy!

    Turn your scars into stars!

    Believe in your own Brilliance!

    - Robert H. Schuller -
    Television Evangelist

    S/He who sows sparingly
    will also reap sparingly,
    and s/he who sows bountifully
    will also reap bountifully.

    - 2 Corinthians 9:6 -
    The Bible

    Indulging our senses
    and drinking salt water are alike;
    the more we partake,
    the more our desire & thirst grows.

    - The Dalai Lama -
    Spiritual Leader

    It doesn't happen all at once...
    you BECOME.
    It takes a long time.

    - Margery Williams -
    Author of The Velveteen Rabbit

    I saw of course the cliff,
    I saw the turbulent ocean blue;
    but everyone else was going that way,
    so I thought I would too.

    - Larry Lemming -

    short-tailed, furry-footed rodents
    noted for their recurrent mass migrations
    which often continue into the sea
    where vast numbers are drowned.

    The greatest pleasure in life
    is doing what people say you cannot do.

    - Walter Bagehot -

    When people say to me:
    "How do you do so many things?"
    I often answer them,
    without meaning to sound cruel:
    "How do you do so little?"
    It seems to me that people have vast potential.
    Most people can do extraordinary things
    if they have the confidence or take the risks.
    Yet most people don't.

    - Philip Adams -

    Work is Love made visible.
    And if you can't work with Love,
    but only with distaste,
    it is better that you should leave your work
    and sit at the gate of the temple
    and take the alms of the people who work with Joy.

    - Kahlil Gibran -
    Author of The Prophet

    All people should strive to learn before they die,
    what they are running from, and to, and why.

    - James Thurber -
    Humorist Author

    Be soft in your practice.
    Think of the method as a fine silvery stream,
    not a raging waterfall.
    Follow the stream, have faith in its course.
    It will go its own way,
    meandering here, trickling there.
    It will find the cracks, the crevices. Just follow it.
    Never let it out of your sight. It will take you.

    - Sheng-yen -

    Happy Trails to you, Until we Meet again...
    Happy Trails to you, Keep Smilin' until then...
    Happy Trails to you, 'Til we Meet again.

    - Roy Rodgers & Dale Evans, & Van Halen -

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