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A: adj. The end-all be-all of human existence, usually emphasized by its combination with an expletive; See the shit; See the bomb

"Fuckin' A, brother!! The Jive Page be the shit and then some on the receipt!"

Abear: v. To neither forbid nor prevent some thing, occurence, action or such shit; See deal

"You want to go down a fancy stroll just to get some shoe strings!? Sheeeeeeit! I can abear it!

Abortion: n. An absolute failure; Something which does not come to be; See

"Ain't no way, no how dat boy be mine. He's such an abortion, he slidin' back up his mama's leg and leavin' a slug trail!"

Abe: n. Unit of currency analogous to 500 pennies, 100 nickels, 50 dimes or 20 quarters; Five bucks; See fin

"Slap me an abe, Joe! The T.J. hookers strutin' on stage need their crotches filled!!"

Absofuckinglutle(ly): adj. adv. Intensively without incertaintude; See damn straight

"Are you sure 'bout that ho, Leroy? She look skanky enough to be full'a crunt to me..."
"Absofuckinglutely, man! I just got me some a dat, and the man was coppin' a rain hat!! You dig?"

Ace: n. Unit of currency analogous to 100 pennies, 20 nickels, 10 dimes or 4 quarters; A buck; A means of alocation for one's superlative companion; Term for a friend; See main man; See Ace boom boom

"Loan me an ace, foo! I'm runnin' low on afro-sheen."
"No way, Man! You still down a fin from the shit I scored you last week!!

Ace boom-boom: n. One's superlative companion; See Ace; See main man

"Come on, man! I wouldn't spit on T-bone's grave after I accidently cacked his ass. He was my ace boom-boom."

Ace-deuce: n. The lonliest number multiplied by the square root of nine; III; See trey

"You know Terri ain't been passed around much, she only got ace-deuce crumbcrunchers runnin' round."

Ace-lover: n. Ones's superlative companion of the opposite gender, usually implying some degree of sexual prowess; See main squeeze

"Girl, you'd never think it by checkin' him out, but Marvin be my ace-lover. The good lord blessed him with man muscle in the double digits and the 'bility to hit it all through the dims and brights!!"

Ace out: v. To transcend somone or something; To outdo

"I can't believe I got aced-out of my promotion by Old Miss Jones and her "toothless hummer! Bitch shoulda been a ten-dolla-ho!"

Acey-deucey: adj. A variable situation, person, emotion or object; See flibberty-gibberty

"Damn, Frank! You only on yo thirteenth cup a java and you already acey-deucey!"

Aching for a side of beef: Exigency for the physical pleasure derived only from the sexual attentions of a male and his "meat"; Female horniness (could also be homosexual)

"Oooh, girl! You know ever since my ace lover left me, I been aching for a side of beef!"

Actor: n. A spurious individual; One who claims to be "down" when they aren't; A faker

"Kevin be playin' out like he's the king o wall street, but that actor don't know shit from shinola 'bout tradin'! Boy thinks IBM is a crazy brother!!"

Action on the solid half traction: Preparedness for any eventuality; See cocked and ready to rock

"Man, I wanna be like Shaft. He's the black private dick who's a real sex machine with all the chicks, plus he's got action on the solid half traction to boot!"

African golf ball: n. A succulent fruit consisting of a hard, green rind and sweet, pink flesh; A watermelon; See African grape

"Did yo mama raise a sucka? Didn't she never tell you scarfing trey African golf balls will make you run!

African grape: n. That damn big fruit again! Try it with vanilla ice cream...YUMMY!

"I told you not to eat so much African grape! The juice is runnin' down yo cheeks and is almost at yo legs!"

Afro: n. The most bad-ass 'do ever created!! Need we say more? See fro

"Kaeo's fro be so tight, he keep meat in there for freshness!

Afromobile: n. Any means of vehicular transportation containing an "afroed" or fly individual; See fly crutch

"Sheeeeeit!! Did you check that afromoblie that just slid by? The man with the circle could part traffic like a knife through bitch-butta!"

AG: n. The primary law officer and legal counsel for a state or nation; The attorney general

"Aww, man! Long ain't breakin' the law for nuttin', he gonna be the AG some day and this be his trainin'!"

Agent: n. Governmental employee charged with the enforcement of penal statutes; The police; See the fuzz; See smokey; See maurice; See five-o; See the man; See little boy blue

"Hey, did you check all the agents down at the sub-station on Figueroa and Adams today? Those pigs must dig Slurpees or somethin'."

A grip: n. A complicated thing in that it is monetarily costly

"Listen, man, don't call her Gwendelyn no more. She just a grip to me now."

Ah-ah: n. One lacking even the slightest hint of a clue; An imbecile; See sucka

"What are you, some kinda ah-ah!? Blowjob just be a name! Sheeeit, suck the thang!"

Ain't holding no air: Lacking rudiment; Bullshit

"He say he hit it with no one but me, but that ain't holdin' no air. He had some ho's short and curlies in his teeth from eatin' her fur burger!"

Ain't long enough: Consisting of a limited quantity or amount; See short

"Between the juice, the bitch and the crumbcrunchers, my green shit just ain't long enough! Somethin's got to go and you know it ain't gonna be the juice!"

Ain't shit: Utterly worthless

"Some people says the Jive Page ain't shit, but I knows how much it lernt me in a sho't while. I mean, the damn second language scored me a 125k piece of work, so it all good!"

Air bags: n. Primary human respiratory organs; The lungs

"You fuck with me again and yo air bags might just as well be douche bags, you dig?"

Airish: adj. Fairly chilly temperature wise; See brr-y; See scrote-shrinkin'

"It must be airish out dis dim! You see all the Jays givin' the shit a two nubs out? Dat's nippley!!"

Air out: v. To locomote by the means of one's legs; See ankle; See lay some cow

"If'n you find yo'self wit muddy waters and a willin' Jay, jus hang loose and air out until you good to go. Otherwise, your only hope be some killer mouth-to-mouth revival."

Alarm clock: n. Any pedagogue, referring to the frequency of slumber disturbances they must perform during the course of a day; A teacher or professor

"School would be bad ass if some boy would hit the snooze on the damn alarm clocks that be wakin' my tired ass all day."

Al Capone ride: n. A delapidated motor vehicle; Piece of shit car

"Hey man, don't sweat the Al Capone ride! I don't even gots one, I have to admire yours!"

Ali shuffle: n. Fancy footwork in fighting or on the dancefloor, referring to the moves of former heavyweight champion boxer Muhammad Ali

"Did you see that fly rugcutter doin' the Ali shuffle at the rent party? What a bad ass mo-fo!"

All in the Kool Aid and don't even know the flavor: Reference to the overly inquisitive nature of cacophonous individuals; Prying

"Jack done drop a Q on what!? Man, boy be all in the Kool Aid and don't even know the flavor!"

All that: adj. Superlative; Abbreviated form of 'all that much'

"I don't care if she hit it with Mr. Rogers, the girl ain't all that!"

American Business College: n. See happy shack; See fillin' station

"My boy be gettin' ready for his higher education down at the ABC. Yep, just like his old man!"

Angled up: adj. To confound or be discountenant; See bass-ackward

"Listen, man, don't ever bump uglies with a drunk midget. I did it twice and got all angled up."

Anigh: prep. In the proximity of; Near-at-hand

"Damn!! That is one fugley human bein'! Don't even let it get anigh my ass!"

Ankle: v. See air out

"You can't just ankle about, you gots to cop a pimp stroll or somethin', man!"

Anxious: adj. Any splendid thing, event or person

"Ooh is we ever havin' and anxious time tonight! The Colt 45 is cold and the bitches are hot!!"

Any: n. Sexual exploits

"Bob couldn't get any if he was bent over nekked in San Franciso with a big tatoo of Keanu Reeves on his back and a tube o' KY jelly in his hand!!"

Ape-shit: adj. Intensely distraught over something; See freakin' out; See fucked up

"Damn, did you see that dude goin' all ape-shit at the greasy spoon last night? I thinks there was somethin' in the meatloaf..."

Apollo play: n. The third rock from the sun; Earth; See apple

"I wouldn't hit it with Kayleen if'n she was the last ho on the face of de damn Apollo play! I'd just spend my time wit the four sisters on thumb street, dig?"

Apron: n. Derogatory expesson for one's wife or woman; A bartender; See ho; See fizzical culturist

"I'd come play bones wit' ya, but the damn apron makin' me wax her lips - all six of'um..."

Apple: n. Paper money or coinage; The female reproductive orifice; See apollo play

"No feelin' in the world like sinking yourself into a nice, ripe, firm, sweet apple. Mmm, mmmm, mmmmm that's a damn fine piece of fruit!"

Applejack: n. An inebriating substance, especially homemade; See Juice

"Shut cho face, woman! I work damn hard every day and all I ask fo is some damn applejack and some flatbackin' every now and again!"

Apples: n. A female's mammary organs; Breasts

"Girl must've been from up Washington state cause those be the sweetest apples I ever had!"

Application: n. The complicated process carried out by a pimp to determine the marketability of a prospective employee; See test drive

"Girl, I really want Tyrone to pimp for me, but I don't know if my application be good enough for him. He take seventy percent, but he gots a Caddy and no one will fuck with him, you know?"

Arm: n. Male intromittent organ used in copulatory behavior as well as social rituals; See law; See Jimmy; See guided missile

"Girl's poontang was so tight, almost ripped my damn arm off!!"
"Quit bragging, man, you givin' me a semi."

Around the world: An inherently sexual tongue-lashing experienced over the entire body, head to toe

"Clarence went around the world wit' me last night! Boy must work that licker all the time to gots dat kinda stamina and the spit to back it up!"

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