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Baby: n. Means of addressing one's superlative companion; General, enthusiastic way of addressing another member of society (usually female)

Baby Benz: n. A low-end automobile of German design and construction, posessing notoriety despite its model due to the prestige and reputation of its manufacturer; Mercedes-Benz model 190E

Baby-child: n. Any younger, less respected or less experienced individual; Any immature person; Any Child

Baby-kisser: n. One of the lowest forms of life on God's green earth; An egotistical, self-serving, power-hungry, lying, manipulative individual (derived from but not always referring to a politician)

Back: n. adj. Support in any endeavor; An area unprotected from unwanted negativity; Time-tested and proven; Well known and established

Backbeat: n. An underlying theme or quality; One's heartbeat

Backbeat of the trey thirty: n. The fourty-eighth through the seventy-secondth hours in a given month; The third day of the month

Backcap: n. A witty, impressive and/or offensive response to a comment or conversation

Back-gate parole: n. The early termination of a prison sentence due to the cessation of being; Death in prison

"I can't hang in dis he'a joint no mo'. Between the grubbin' and de luvin', my ass can't deal, man!"
"You doin' fin by fin t' the end, my man. Yo' only hope be back-gate parole."
"Sometim' I think dat's de way to go - giv' myse'f a rope necklace one mo'nin'."

Banter play built on a Coke frame: n. An extraordinarily attractive female with extreme bust and gluteus proportions contrasting those of a thin waistline (reminiscent of a Coca-ColaŽ bottle); See Foxy Mama; See Fly Jay; See Stone cold fox

"Yo, check it. I be hittin' de fancy stroll, rollin' in de crutch when I peeps dis banter play built on a Coke frame struttin' on de catwalk. I upped Miles Davis on de 8-track an' slid by, fetchin' a glance from de hoochie! I woulda slapped myself some digits, but my stoppers be plum cacked."

Barney: n. The external reproductive organ of a male (a reference to the popular children's TV star of the same name and derived from the combination of the terms, "purple-headed monster" and "dinosaur"); The penis; See also jimmy, guided missile, man-muscle, law, shaft, etc.

"Hey baby, what you say we put Barney in yo' VCR 'till we both singin' happy songs? I love you, you love me..."

Bitch: n. Term of endearment used to address one's superlative companion of the opposite sex (usually female, but possibly a homosexual male); Title given to one's cell mate after the exchange of 2-5 packs of cigarettes; A stupid or ignorant person

"Don't you gots love fo' me no mo' Frank?"

"Sheeeit, you my bitch, ain't ya!?"

Boogler: n. Any individual who partakes in raucous social gatherings on a regular basis and with noteworthy enthusiasm; A party animal

"Damn, man! This be the flyest shindig I ever hit! Every boogler in town is down!!"
"Damn straight! I just glad it ain't my crib we be tossin' the man mustard around in..."

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