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Dabbling: v The infrequent experimentation with drugs or alcohol

Dad: n. A name exchanged between friends for male bonding purposes; See Brother; See Man; See Daddy-O

Dada mama: n. A drum roll

Daddy: n. Term used by a female (or a homosexual man) to refer to her male counterpart

Daddy-O: n. A name exchanged between friends for male bonding purposes; See Dad; See Brother; See Man

Dagger: n. A female skilled in the art of the manipulation of another woman's clitoris and/or vagina; A lesbian; See Bull-dagger; See finger artist; See Jaspers; See Top sargeant

Dagger-pointed goldies: n. Yellow foot apparel with a highly angulated toe region

Dairies: n Female mammary organs; Breasts; See Apples; See Titties

Daisy-beaters: Foot apparel; Shoes; See Earth pads; See Floor-burners

Damaged: adj. Inebriated to the point of complete mental lapse; Drunk or stoned; See fucked-up; See juiced; See Kaschnickered; See Zonked

Dig the dip on the four and two: v. Weekly aquatic ablution; Quadrimenstral cleaning of the aqueous sort; Bathing weekly

"Sheeeeit are you ever O-ffending, Sean! The stank might cut out if'n you'd quit dig'n the dip on the four and two and try it every deuce to trey moons!"

Disneyfied: adj. Euphorically surrealistic; Sickeningly happy

"Eva since Willis hook up wit' Delta, his brights be Disneyfied, man. What up wit' dat?"

"Sheeeit, did yo' mama raise a dummy? Dat be some greasy action he down wit', an' grease be GOOD!!"

Do fries go with that shake?: A question intended to convey the not-so-subtle attraction to and approval of a female's body and sexual demeanor; 'Reference to some fine-assed Jays's strut, usually in slinky attire and shit'

"Shit, man! Check the supa-hoochie struttin' our way!!"
"Shut yo face Jerry! Dis one's all mine...Hey baby, do fries go wit' dat shake?"
"Did yo mama have any sons that lived??"
*laughing*"Ooooh, you da man, Chad. You DA MAN!!"

Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash: A blatant warning from one mo-fo to another indicating said mo-fo's knowledge that said other mo-fo is talking trash, full of shit or simply speaking up when he/she should be stickin' their foot in it

"Mike Tyson!? Man, my dead Gramma can hit harder than Mike Tyson!! Sheeeeit, I could knock that choir-boy's ass DOWN wit' a pimp slap from my left hand!! Bring it on Mikey, you 'bout set fo' yo' tree suit brotha-man!"
"Hey Shirley, shutcho face! We don't need to be hearin' yo' Tyson shit again. Don't letcho mouth be writin' no checks yo' chunky ass can't cash, you hear!?"

Dropping plates in this mother: An elevated level of negative emotion which reaches the point at which physical violence is eminent (referring to a common domestic argument leading up to the projection of dinnerware); Getting pissed

"Hey Clement! If you don't get cho' greasy fingers off my Cool Ranch Doritos, I'm sho nuff gonna have to be droppin' plates in this mutha!"
"Chill and and hand me some 'Tos, Russell! You know you be scarfin' my pork rinds every chance you get!!"

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