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Eagle: n. Units of currency used to purchase various goods and services in a market ecomomy; Money; See Cake; See Green shit; See Dead presidents

Eagle fly: v. To receive monetary compensation for strenuous activities performed in accordance with an occupational responsibility; To get paid for work

"Ah damn, I'm on de nut!! If'n de eagle didn't fly in trey dims an' brights, I'd be puttin' my woman out on de fancy stroll!"

Ear man: n. An individual expressing a natural ability to excell at some endeavor; Someone showing virtuosity

Ear music: n. Music which is improvised

Early beam: n. The period of time during which the sun first illuminates the sky in a specific geographical locale; Morning

Early black: n. The period of time during which the sun ceases to illuminate the sky in a specific geographical locale; Evening; See Early candlelight

Early candlelight: The period of time during which the sun ceases to illuminate the sky in a specific geographical locale; Evening; See Early black

Earth Pads: n. The portions of one's anatomy located at the base of the legs and necessitated for fluid, controlled locomotion; Feet or footwear

"De first thang on a man I check wit' de peepers be his booty. Den 's on to de earth pads! You know what you can tell by eyein' de size o' his feets?"
"How big his nose gonna be when you check it out?"
"Damn girl, you been hit by de stupid stick!? His Jimmy!!"

Expense: n. An underdeveloped human being which relies upon more developed members of the species for assistance in every aspect of its existence; A baby

"What yo' bag, Freddy?"
"My bottom woman be spectin' a expense in a sho't while. Ev'ry dim an' bright she ain't out on de fancy stroll I eatin' leventy-leven C's."
"Damn, man! Dat's a drag an' a half! Least yo can pawn de ho-chile ta some yuppies wit' a bad seed."