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G: n. Monetary currency in an increment of one thousand; $1,000

G: n. A title used to indicate a certain status level in society (Ex: Warren G, Kenny G, the Bee-Gees, BenGi, etc)

"Sheeeit, man! Who you think you is, Otis G!?!? You ain't all that!"

G: v. To receive sexual intercourse; To get some (sex)

Gabriel: n. A highly religious person who attempts to prevent people from engaging in exciting and enjoyable social rituals; Bible thumper

Gage: v. An abbreviated form of "engage"; Also Gagement

Gauge: n. A reference to the level of intoxication in an individual; Blood alcohol level

Gaff: n. A trick or ruse used to deceive

Gaffle: v. To deceive using a trick or ruse

Gallery: n. The rather large exterior portion of a residence which is located at the frontmost portion of the structure and which is used for loitering; front porch

Galloping dominoes: n. A pair of di; See Bones; See knuckle bones

Gal Officer: n. A female proficient in the art of manipulating another woman's clitoris and/or vagina; A lesbian; See Bull-dagger; See Dagger; See Finger Artist; See Harpies; See Jaspers; See Top Sargeant

Getting on some stiff time: v. Achieving success in one's financial endeavors or life in general; Making good money

"Sheeeit my man, you gots a crib fulla' crumbcrunchers hollerin' fo' grub like a straw hut a nekked wings an' you ain't got no green shit rollin' in. You best be gettin' on some stiff time damn soon befo' de man come an' take yo' babies ta' his pile a bricks."

Ghetto bird: n. An aircraft whose support in the air is derived from the reaction of a stream of air driven downward by one or more lifting rotors turning about substantially vertical axes; A helicopter

"It don't do no good ta cut from de agents, man. You's got some chance when dere jus' be P-crutches on yo' ass, but once de ghetto bird get on de case, you one busted sucka."

Give me fin on the soul side: v. An invitation to a social greeting involving explosive tactile contact of the outermost portion of the upper extremities; See slap me some skin; See skin it

"Gino! My ace boom-boom!? Gimme fin on de soul side!! Whe'a you been my man?"
"I been held up by de man in a concrete box on a baaaaaad wrap fo' trey double sixes, my brotha."

Gnat butter: n. The cheesy, yellowish-white substance made up of decaying epidermal cells and bacteria found in the foreskin of males (or under the clitoral hood of females) with insufficient personal hygiene; Smegma

"Dwayne, you best cut down dat lip rug you got goin' on. Man, I don't know which you got mo' of in dat 'stache - locks or gnat butta. Yo' bitch be dirtier den de seats at a porn theatre!"

Gravy on (one's) grits: adj. Said of an individual who has proved to be a success in financial matters; Rich

"Why don't Jeremy come 'roun hea' no more? He always be out oozin' an' schmoozin' a' late."
"He got gravy on his grits now, man. He don't need ta' be pimpin' wit' us at de quickie mart like we's use to."
"Dat Chump!"
"Sheeeeeit! Jive-ass foo' wuz a gorilla pimp anyhow!"

Greasy: adj. Morbidly obese, yet strangely attractive; Anything which is simultaneously appalling and appealing; Anything gross; Anything good

"Hey baby!!! Gimme some suga!!!!"

"Why you hittin' on Shamu, Phil?"

"'Cause dat be some grrrreasy shit, man!!"

Grog n. An antiquitive name for intoxicating substances which are relatively inexpensive and low in quality; Cheap booze

"That Jive-ass turkey Kaeo jacked up the jive page last night while sippin' on some nasty grog. Let's beat the shit out of him!"

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