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Ice: n. Crystalline carbon which is highly valued; A diamond

Iceburg Slim: n. Any man pandering women;

Iced: v. To be rejected or stopped cold; Incarcerated separately from other inmates: To have killed or been killed

Ice Palace: n. An establishment that deals in the retail distribution of precios and semi-precious gems and jewelry; A Jewelry store

Icky: n. A nerd or geek

Idea pot: n. The upper or anterior portion of the body containing the brain; The head

Idiot box: n. An electronic system used to receive transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound; T.V.

"Getcho face out from dat damn idiot box boy!! Dere too much violence on every dim an' bright! Run on inta de air an' play witcho frens, and don't be stickin' yo' earth pads on no needles, you hea'!?"

If I'm lying, I'm dying/flying: An expression used to indicate the sincerity, truthfulness and validity of a statement or individual

If it ain't you, it's someone else: A statement used to indicate the randomness of life

If you feel froggish, take a leap: An invitation to a fight

If brains were gas, (you) couldn't power a flea's motorcycle around the inside of a Cheerio®: A statement which bluntly acknowledges the supreme idiocy of an individual

"Who Gary think he is, tryin' to flamemail the JiveGuy!? If brains were gas, he couldn't power a flea's motorcycle around the inside of a Cheerio®!!"

It must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that: A statement which insinuates the sexual attractiveness of a woman; Sex and/or sexual impressiveness

"Did you see Heidi come down from Manchester dis past day? Mmm mmm mmm, it must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like dat! Girl got it goin' on and then some!!"

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