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Joe Sad: n. A socially unacceptable individual; Someone without companions; See homieless

"Man, check Joe Sad over in the corner by his lonesome. We should all pitch in a fin and buy the boy some time wit' a decent pro."
"Why? He never buy me any 'tang! I never even slapped myself a BJ on his dead presidents, man!"

Juiced to the skin: adj. Inebriated beyond all recognition to the extent that one is literally saturated in said alcohol (an analogy to the complete desication of fruit while acquiring juice); Completely drunk; See zonked: See fucked up; See kaschnickered

"The first time I saw the aliens was - hey man, do you stop yo' lookin' at me wit' dos big peepers like I's some kina piece 'o meat. I ain't yo bitch...but I could be."
"Shut the fuck up, Jeremy. You so juiced to the skin, you spittin' pulp!"
"Be gentle wit' me, man. I still got's my behymen, even though the aliens TRIED to break it wit' deir probes and shit..."

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