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O.G.: n. The maternal parent, abbreviated form of "old girl"; Mother; Also original gangster

"Yo, man, you down wit' playin' bones wit' me an' de boys dis dim?"

"Aww, damn! It be no good. My O.G. be wantin' my ass in de slammer early dis dim so's I can be waxin' her lip."

"You de biggest momma's boy I ever done peeped!!"

Oozing: v. The act of driving, walking or otherwise locomoting in a seemingly aimless manner and without any agenda other than the quest for good times and possible sexual partners; See cruisin'

"We was out oozin' in Christy's fly crutch when we caught some looks from a herd of freaky man-beasts on the fancy stroll. I never seen such fine creatures in Indiana before, so you bet yo ass we swung around for another look-see!"

Oprah: v. To examine closely regarding matters of a deep personal nature; Getting nosy

"Eh holm, you got some bad vibes 'bout hittin' it wit' yo' bro's mink? He goin' know you de one dat put dat bun in de oven. I say you gots a bag an' a half, man. I'd be shittin' bricks if'n I was you."
"Get off my back! What you always be Oprahing me fo', foo!?"

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