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Pad of stitches: n. Facility for the care and treatment of those suffering a compromised physical state; A hospital

"I reckoned you said yo' apron could switch a mean fanny in the kitchen!? My acid bag be bitchin' an' moanin' like my woman befo' de flow! You best be takin' me to de pad o' stitches befo' I up an' cut fo' good."

Perved-out freakazoid on the poontang trip: n. An exceptionally sexually excitable man possessing an obsession with female genitalia to the extent of severe psychosis

"You see Sean runnin' 'round de strip wit' his licker hangin' down an' a stiff man in de bells? He hittin' on everythin' from Shamu to de half-n-half on de corner! Boy best spend some time wit' de fo' sistas on thumb street, bein' a perved-out freakazoid on de poontang trip like he is!"

Pimp stick: n. A metallic means of physical discipline used in conjunction with rapid, violent movement and derived from intertwined wire coat hangers; See ho whip

"If'n I didn't have the habit to support, I'd take Leroy's pimp stick and bust his nuts wit' it. He be the biggest gorilla pimp to ever hit the fancy stroll."

Put it in lay-away: v. To repress something; To hold back or refrain from doing or thinking something until a later date

"Whatcho bag, Kenny? You been sulkin' 'round here all day like some dog who can't lick his balls no mo'. Boy, you best put it in lay-away befo' you bring the whole crib down wit' you."

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