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Red gravy: n. The fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins of vertebrate animals carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the body; Blood

"I ain't got no bag 'bout hittin' it wit' a fly Jay who be chillin' wit' de red knight on de white horse."
"I can dig it! What be a little red gravy on yo' law when you can be plucked?"
"Sheeeeit! Go wit de flow, o' git no Ho!!"

Repent pad: n. The primary place of residence of an unmarried, promiscuous male (where a female may later regret ever having been); A bachelor pad

"Damn, Jen! Girl, you bumpin' uglies wit' mo' freaks den a five-dolla ho! You de female Wilt Chamberlain!! At least you don't need to pay rent, movin' from one repent pad to another, night after night like you do."

Rhoid: n. Any person or thing which makes some aspect of life difficult to manage comfortably; A pain in the ass

"I gots me fin crumbcrunchers, but dey jus' rhoids ta me now. No good sons a bitches an' a Ho..."

Ricockulous: adj. Worthy of malicious belittling; Absurd or preposterous

"SAY WHAT!?!? You be thinkin' de Brown Hornet could whup Shaft's ass in a fist junction??? You crack baby, dat ricockulous! De Brown Hornet be a ca'toon, Shaft be a STRAIGHT-UP MO-FO!!!"

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