Showing more roots than Kunta Kinte: An expression used to
indicate the presence of color-treated hair made noticeable due to the
obvious line of demarkation between the natural and treated hair near the
root (a reference to the focal character and title of Alex Haley's
Pulitzer Prize winning Roots); Fake or unnatural hair color
"Girl, you pas' nine months fo' a 'pointment at Sheila's - you
showin' mo' roots den Kunta Kinte, baby!!"
Six months in front and nine behind:
Physical unsightliness due to the tragic combination of morbid
obesity and misproportion (alluding to the visual similarity to a
gravid female); Very dumpy
"Girl, you know Albert be wantin' to bump uglies wit' you like a wild
"I know, and he nice and all, but he got six months in front and nine
behind. Should I hit it wit' him?"
"You go girl, mo' cushin' fo' de pushin'!!"
Steady on the case: v. To
undertake something with extreme dedication and perseverance; To
concentrate all one's efforts on something or someone
"Some Turkeys be tellin' me to get off my lazy ass and finish de damn Jive
Page. I say chill, cutty, I steady on the case. Been layin' my
melon on de stash, scratchin' 24/7. Hang loose, it's comin' like a
parolee at the ho-shack!!"
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