Vacation: n. A period of service to the governmental
agency charged with
responsibility for supervision of persons found to have engaged in conduct
deemed prohibited by the elicial acts of a legislative body; Time
"Jus' when I think life is all good, some shit go down and I wind up on
"You best hope you locked wit' some simple pimp so's you don't have to be
some big dude's bitch every dim and bright, workin' that booty to the bone
'till yo self esteem is as low and dirty as the crunt buildin' up on the
crusty mattress!"
"Thanks for the good vibes, man..."
VBD: n. A less than satisfying excursion with a member
of the opposite sex; Abbreviated form of 'very bad date'
"Yo, Trisha! I lay de haps on de VBD on you yet?"
"No girl, hit me wit' de 411."
"Check it! He ankle me ta Denny's since he ain't got no ride. He act
like it my birt'day so's I eat free, den he take me bowling an' make me
swap earth pads wit' him. Afta dat, we lay some cow ta his repent pad
an' he says, "gimme some suga'!!" wit' his licker swingin' out an' chunks
a' grub all stuck up his biters! Damn, girl, I almost didn't hit it wit'
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