Wearing a smile: Sans floral or faunal protective
and/or decorative covering; The state of nudity; See butt-nekked; See
birthday suit
"I thought dat it was gonna be a slow-ass night, but when I got back from
the head, there was Regina wearing a smile! You betta know my
dinosaur came out
a extinction damn quick!"
Wear the ring: v. To resist the temptation of chasing
and ultimately acquiring a member of the opposite sex other than one's
spouse; To be faithful
"Why ain't you out cuttin' some rug wit' Loose Lips Leann out dere,
"Sheeeit, eva since my old lady popped up at de scene an' peeped me
hoochie gindin' wit' Cherie, she says I gots ta wear de ring o' she
out like Richard Simmons."
What it is, what it was and what it will be: A general,
warm and enthusiastic form of address at the beginning of an encounter
another individual or group of individuals; An inquiry into the overall
state of affairs in a person's life
"Yo, Andy! What it is, what it was and what it will be!?"
"Wassup, wassup! Same as it eva' was an den some my man!"
"Damn, boy! Your fro look fly! You slap yo'self some Frogaine® o'
Without Vaseline®: adj. Describes an activity,
situation or
person which is highly invidious (usually emphasized when
combined with an expletive); Abusive, irritating, unappealing
or uncomfortable; Messed up
"Check dis out - I was hittin' the fancy stroll, coppin' a pimp
walk when dis fine bitch come up lookin' like she out fo' wo'k.
I say, 'Hey pretty Jay, if you down I goin' slap myself up a
pro.' Hoochie mama eyeball me up-n-down and make the
fugliest look I ever saw! Ho kept on walkin'..."
"That fucked wit'out Vaseline®, my man."
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